accommodating (conflict resolution approach), 176

accuracy, 71


critical, 87, 98, 99

definition of, 87

duration of, 94

in network diagrams, 84

activity-on-arrow networks, 84

activity-on-node networks, 84, 85

ACWP (actual cost of work performed), 146, 148, 150, 152

administrative duties, 30

Alfalfa (Our Gang), on another zero, 142

American Management Association International (AMA), 134

analysis paralysis, 42, 53, 90

Argyris, Chris, 32, 122

arrow diagrams, 82, 87

constructing, 88–92

creating bar charts from, 102–103

see also network diagrams

audits, 120, see also process reviews


of project managers, 27–29, 112–113, 174

of team members, 115

average times, 75

avoidance (conflict resolution approach), 176

Avondale shipyards, ...

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