
Despite many universities in this world currently offering an Islamic finance program (bachelor’s and master’s degrees), there has been no book on Islamic financial markets that is arranged and structured based on the university’s course outline. This book is arranged following the syllabus/course outline used by many universities offering a bachelor in Islamic banking and finance program, particularly in Malaysia. Thus, lecturers, students, and independent readers will find that the topics discussed in this book are very easy to read and understand. Moreover, the book provides readers with not only basic concepts in Islamic financial markets but also discussion of current practices of Islamic financial markets and case studies from real examples in the markets.


This book is structured and developed based on the course syllabus taught at the International Islamic University Malaysia for several years, and thus it is intended to support the teaching-learning activities in the classroom between lecturers and students.

However, we also believe that those who have curiosity and want to know about the fundamentals of Islamic financial markets, including the Islamic contracts used and how the market works, can benefit from this book.

Overview of the Contents

Chapter 1 provides an introduction to the Islamic financial system and Islamic financial markets. In this chapter, readers will be provided with the list of the functions and roles of financial markets, as well as ...

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