About the Editor

Jonathan Rodriguez received his MSc and PhD degrees in Electronic and Electrical Engineering from the University of Surrey, United Kingdom, in 1998 and 2004, respectively. In 2005, he became a researcher at the Instituto de Telecomunicações, Aveiro, Portugal, and a member of the Wireless Communications Scientific Area. In 2008, he became a Senior Researcher and was granted an independent researcher role where he established the 4TELL Group (http://www.av.it.pt/4TELL/), a visionary research group developing innovation for next-generation mobile networks, with key interests on green communications, cooperation, security, radio frequency design and 5G. Since its inception, the group has steadily grown and now Dr Rodriguez is responsible for managing 36 research staff, that includes the supervision of 10 PhD students and 10 post-doctoral researchers. Since 2009, he has become an Invited Professor at the University of Aveiro, where he teaches specialist modules on wireless communications as part of the integrated Masters course in Electrical and Electronic Engineering. In 2007, he coordinated the international Eureka Celtic LOOP project, and was then coordinator for the FP7-ICT C2POWER project. He has also served as General Chair for the ACM-sponsored MOBIMEDIA 2010 (6th International Mobile Multimedia Communications Conference), Co-Chair for the EAI sponsored WICON 2014 (8th International Wireless Internet Conference), and was workshop chair on 17 occasions in major ...

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