Dealing with Exceptions

Java programmers are quite opinionated about checked exceptions. Irrespective of how we feel about them, checked exceptions are here to stay and we have to deal with them. Let’s look at some options for working with them in the context of lambda expressions.

In the next example we create a lambda expression that invokes a method that potentially throws a checked exception. We take a list of path names and ask for their canonical path using the getCanonicalPath method.

public​ ​class​ HandleException {
public​ ​static​ ​void​ main(​String​​[]​ args) ​throws​ IOException {
Stream.of(​"/usr"​, ​"/tmp"​)
.map(path -> ​new​ ​File​(path).getCanonicalPath())
//Error, this code will ...

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