An iterator function can be generic, which is an approach that most of LINQ functions use to work with arbitrary types. Using the ideas of higher order functions, then, a very flexible function to create sequences can be constructed:

public static IEnumerable<T> Sequence<T>(Func<T, T> getNext,

  T startVal, Func<T, bool> endReached) {

  if (getNext == null)

    yield break;

  yield return startVal;

  T val = startVal;

  while (endReached == null || !endReached(val)) {

    val = getNext(val);

    yield return val;



Take your time to read through the Sequence function; it’s not really complicated. (If you need a reminder on how exactly iterators work, you can find that information back in Chapter 5.)

With the introduction of iterators in C# 2.0, Microsoft made the important move from the classes that are needed to implement the .NET iteration interfaces to functions, which are a much more natural context for functionality that iterates over data according to some algorithm. Creating a higher order function that externalizes important parts of the algorithm is an obvious next step, and that’s what the Sequence function represents. As a result, it is now easy to create arbitrary sequences using function calls:

var oddNumbersFrom1To19 =

  Functional.Sequence(x => x + 2, 1, x => x >= 19);


var squares =

  Functional.Sequence(x => x * x, 2, x => x >= 10000);


var fibonacci =


    x => x.Item2 == 0 ? Tuple.Create(0, 1) ...

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