In addition to methods and classes, structs, delegates, and interfaces can also have type parameters. Structs and interfaces are obvious; the syntax looks much like that of classes:

public struct MyPoint<T> where T : struct {

  public MyPoint(T x, T y) {

    this.x = x;

    this.y = y;



  private readonly T x;

  public T X {

    get { return x; }



  private readonly T y;

  public T Y {

    get { return y; }




public interface IListItem<T> {

  T Value { get; }

  ListItem<T> Prepend(T value);


Even with delegates there’s nothing surprising about the syntax. Following is an example of an alternative Factory implementation called ParameterFactory that uses a creation delegate instead of relying on the new() constraint and using a default constructor:

public delegate R CreateDelegate<T, R>(T param);


public class ParameterFactory<T, R> {

  CreateDelegate<T, R> createDelegate;

  public ParameterFactory(CreateDelegate<T, R> createDelegate) {

    this.createDelegate = createDelegate;



  // ...


This includes the declaration of the CreateDelegate, which represents a function that takes a parameter of type T and returns a value of type R.


This is a good example of a statement that was made in Chapter 3, where the standard delegate types Func<...> were introduced. The ParameterFactory works with its own delegate type CreateDelegate instead of ...

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