OLIVER STURM has over 20 years experience developing professional software. He is a well-known expert in various areas of application architecture, programming languages and the third party .NET tools made by DevExpress. His main focus has been on the .NET platform since 2002. Oliver has spoken at many international conferences and has written more than 20 training classes and more than 100 magazine articles in English as well as German. He has also taught classes on topics around computer programming for more than 15 years. For his contributions to the .NET community, he has been awarded the C# MVP Award by Microsoft United Kingdom for several years now.

Based in Scotland, UK, Oliver works as a freelance consultant and trainer, and he is an associate at thinktecture, an international consultancy firm. You can find his blog at www.sturmnet.org/blog and his commercial website at www.oliversturm.com. His e-mail address is oliver@oliversturm.com.

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