Pattern Matching and Functions

Our MyList.sum example shows that pattern matching also applies to calling functions. Do you see that? The function parameters act as the left-hand side of the match, and the arguments you pass act as the right-hand side.

Here is another (hoary old) example: it calculates the value of the nth Fibonacci number.

Let’s start with the specification of Fibonacci numbers:

 fib(0) -> 1
 fib(1) -> 1
 fib(n) -> fib(n-2) + fib(n-1)

Using pattern matching, we can turn this specification into executable code with minimal effort:

 defmodule​ Demo ​do
 def​ fib(0), ​do​: 1
 def​ fib(1), ​do​: 1
 def​ fib(n), ​do​: fib(n-2) + fib(n-1)

Elixir comes with an interactive shell called iex. This ...

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