VRObject schema

The answerObjects and wrongObjects fields in the game schema will both be arrays of VRObject documents, and the VRObject Mongoose schema will be defined separately with fields for storing the URLs of the OBJ file and MTL file, along with the React 360 transform values for each VR object, the scale value, and color value.


const VRObjectSchema = new mongoose.Schema({  objUrl: {    type: String, trim: true,    required: 'ObJ file is required'  },  mtlUrl: {    type: String, trim: true,    required: 'MTL file is required'  },  translateX: {type: Number, default: 0},  translateY: {type: Number, default: 0},  translateZ: {type: Number, default: 0},  rotateX: {type: Number, default: 0}, rotateY: {type: Number, ...

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