29.8. Passing pointers to methods

Let's put together what we have learnt so far, and take a look at a general example of how pointers are passed between methods.

Examine this program:

 1: using System;
 3: class TestClass{
 5:   static unsafe void PerformOp (int* pX){        <-- 1
 6:     *pX = 99; 
						<-- 2
 7:   }
 9:   public static unsafe void Main(){
10:     int a = 1;
11:     Console.WriteLine("a was :" + a);
12:     PerformOp (&a); 
						<-- 3
13:     Console.WriteLine("a is :" + a);
14:   }
15: }

(1)Method takes in a parameter of type int*, a pointer

(2)Uses indirection to change the int value stored at the address in pX

(3)Invoke method by passing in the address of an int

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