Praise for From Impossible To Inevitable

What Readers Have Said About From Impossible To Inevitable

“Over the past 8 years, I decided to become really good at sales and lead generation. I've read and studied everything I could, practicing several different methods of generating traffic and sales. This book made me feel like a dummy. Wow, it's amazing. Really brilliant. Aaron and Jason outline simple solutions with specific methodologies that make it seem impossible to fail. They tell you why, how, and what can go wrong. Their use of case studies clearly illustrates common growth challenges and how to navigate past or through them. It's changed my whole method of working.”

— Fraser Morrison, CEO Schiffman Morrison Asia

“At our portfolio company Agility Recovery, Aaron and Jason's ‘10x Exercise’ helped us increase our enterprise deal sizes 4.8x in under 6 months, by enhancing our offering, modifying our sales approach, and implementing value-based pricing.”

— Larry Coble, LLR Partners

“I was amazed by this book. Aaron and Jason are unbelievable references for anyone working in the SaaS space. They're not just ‘been there, done that’ professionals, they're thoughtful leaders in the community. Their sales model math completely changed our business and pricing strategies. For example, it seems obvious in hindsight, but their ‘Double Your Deal-size’ section nailed it for us: we weren't able to build a big business out of small deals. This book is a must-read for any b2b entrepreneur.” ...

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