In this step, do some real soul searching and decide exactly what it is that keeps you from feeling truly confident. What expectations do you have for yourself? Where do you feel you fall short? If you feel you don't belong, why? Write it all down. Be honest with yourself. Again, this is for your eyes only.

Step 3: Imagine the Worst-Case Scenario

What if your biggest fears became realities? What are the consequences if the worst-case scenarios were true?

Let your imagination roam as you take every fear and confidence zapper and play the scenarios out in your mind. Write your answers in the Confidence Chart you started in Step 2. What if you said something stupid? What would that stupid thing be? What if you fell flat on your face? What if people laughed at you? What if you don't have enough education? What if you're not good enough? How will your life be affected if the worst-case scenario actually played out?

Now ask yourself, how likely is the worst-case scenario to happen? Are your confidence zappers legitimate reasons for people to not like you or for you to feel unworthy and out of place? Consider people you know. Can you think of anyone who has experienced the very things that worry you? How were they affected? Are they still liked by others or were their reputations ruined?

Chances are it'll be difficult to find anyone who has actually suffered and not recovered from the very concerns that keep you from living a confident life. Accept that your fears are unlikely to come ...

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