Time for action – defining the realm

The following steps demonstrate how to define a realm:

  1. Add the following realm to the proxy.conf file located under the FreeRADIUS configuration directory:
    realm my-org.com {
  2. Restart the FreeRADIUS server in debug mode and authenticate as alice@my-org.com. Observe the output of the FreeRADIUS server. The following should be part of the output:
    [suffix] Looking up realm "my-org.com" for User-Name = "alice@my-org.com"
    [suffix] Found realm "my-org.com"
    [suffix] Adding Stripped-User-Name = "alice"
    [suffix] Adding Realm = "my-org.com"
    [suffix] Authentication realm is LOCAL.
    ++[suffix] returns ok
  3. Edit the my-org.com realm to include the nostrip directive:
    realm my-org.com {
  4. Restart the FreeRADIUS server in ...

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