Time for action – including new dictionaries

The following steps will demonstrate how to include new directories:

  1. Edit the users file located under the FreeRADIUS configuration directory and make sure the following entry for alice exists:
    "alice" Cleartext-Password := "passme"
        Mikrotik-Total-Limit = 10240
  2. Restart FreeRADIUS in debug mode. The restart should be unsuccessful and the following error message will display:
    /etc/raddb/users[11]: Parse error (reply) for entry alice: Invalid octet string "10240" for attribute name "Mikrotik-Total-Limit"
    Errors reading /etc/raddb/users
  3. The error does not explicitly says the AVP is not in any of the dictionaries but if you do a quick grep for this AVP in the /usr/share/freeradius directory, it will come back ...

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