Time for action – building CentOS RPMs

This section takes the recommendations and instructions from the following FreeRADIUS Wiki page to create the latest RPMs on CentOS:


You have to be the root user to execute most of these commands. Once that is done, follow these steps:

  1. Install the rpm-build package. This creates the directory structure required for package building:
    #> yum install rpm-build
  2. Allow write and execute rights for normal users on this directory structure:
    #> find /usr/src/redhat -type d | xargs chmod a+wx
  3. The latest version of FreeRADIUS will be available for Fedora. We will use this version to build the RPMs on CentOS. Download the source RPM from the following URL:

    http://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/packageinfo?packageID=298 ...

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