
Note: Page numbers followed by “f” refer to figures respectively.


A/B test, 63–65
designing, 65–66
interpreting results, 66–69
pooled standard deviation, 68, 68f
standard error calculation, 67–68, 68f
t-statistic calculation, 67f
t-test, 66–67
multivariate tests, 64
A/B testing, 63–69
over time, 64
simultaneous, 64
time-based tests, 64
Ad exchange, 207–208
Ad-hoc analysis, 110–111
Ad networks
blind networks, 209
vertical networks, 209
Advertising campaign performance, 120f
Advertising exchanges, 207–209
Alternative user acquisition, 219–225
cross-promotion, 219–221
discovery, 219–221
virality, 219–221
Analyst, 85
Analytics, 30–32
designing, 34–41
data reporting, 39–41
data storing, 37–39, 37f
events hierarchy structure, 35f
sample events ...

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