Shell access in SparkSQL

Another cool thing about SparkSQL is that with it, you can actually expose a shell that you can connect to. So if you cache a table, you can actually connect to it by starting a server and issuing SQL queries to it, just like you would with any other database. Here are the key features of the process:

  • SparkSQL exposes a JDBC/ODBC server (if you build Spark with Hive support)
  • You start SparkSQL with sbin/
  • It listens on port 10000 by default
  • You connect to it using bin/beeline -u jdbc:hive2://localhost:10000
  • Voila, you have a SQL shell for SparkSQL
  • You can create new tables or query existing ones that were cached using hiveCtx.cacheTable("tableName")

Think about how powerful this is: You can have ...

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