

Abbreviations, 48, 377

Abstract classes

choosing between interfaces and, 88–94

constructor design for, 148

designing, 95–97

extensibility using, 78

FxCop rules for, 384

implementing abstractions as, 203–205

Optional Feature Pattern and, 344–348

Abstract types

abstract class design, 95

choosing between interfaces and, 93, 203–205, 384

defined, 417


implementing with base classes, 206–207

in low vs. high-level APIs, 33–36

providing extensibility with, 203–205

in scenario-driven design, 17

in self-documenting APIs, 31–32

using classes vs. interfaces, 86–95

AccessViolationException, 237


avoiding in framework identifiers, 49

capitalization rules for, 40–42, 375

correct spelling of, 377

naming conventions for, 48

Action<...> ...

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