
I'd like to thank all the folks at Apple for the hard work they have put into the various flavors of OS X and into educating the Mac community on their fantastic product, in particular, Joel Rennich, Schoun Regan, Josh Wisenbaker, Greg Smith, JD Mankovsky, David Winter, Stale Bjorndal, Eric Senf, Cawan Starks, Martin Libich, and a short list of others who have helped me through the years! This includes the late Michael Bartosh, who is sorely missed on many fronts.

Thanks are also in order to the crew at 318 for their hard work, especially Kevin Klein. Without you guys I never would have been able to take the time to complete this book: David, Tim, Thomas, Beau, Zack, Kevin, Kevin, William, Joel, Robert, Jordan, Susie, Dan, Phil, ...

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