


Anchor element, 185

Au revoir attribute, 19091

href attribute, 18687, 187

hreflang attribute, 187

inline vs. block-level links, 19192

media attribute, 187

MIME type attribute, 187

placeholder hyperlink, 186

rel attribute, 187, 18990

rev attribute, 19091

target attribute, 187

type attribute, 191

URLs, 18789

Au revoir attribute, 19091


Button-making, 200

anchor element, 201

background property, 202

caution, 202

display property, 202

text-shadow property, 202


Character encoding system, 44

Compatibility mode, 40

Compliance/strict mode, 40

Content type. See MIME type

Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) settings, 146

CSS, 27, 58 ...

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