

A, B, C

Adobe Edge Inspect, 349

with Edge Animate, 350, 351

setting up, 349

Adobe web fonts, 185

Alpha channel, 107

Apache Cordova, 339


Digital publications, 309

with Adobe InDesign

EPUB and Adobe FOLIO format, 318

multistate objects, 320

OAM file, 324

previewing, 327

CMYK subtractive color model, 310

EPUB format, 312

FOLIO format, 312

iBooks Author, 313

Animate element, repositioning, 316

preview menu function, 316

WDGT file, 315

IBOOKS format, 312

resolution, 312

RGB additive color model, 311

using Folio builder, 327

articles, 328

folio creation and adding articles, 329


Edge animate

animate and interactivity, 191

document object ...

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