
Note: Page numbers followed by “f” and “t” refer to figures and tables, respectively.


Abstraction models, for complexity reduction, 313–320
counter, 313, 314f, 316–319
localization, 313
memory, 313, 316–319
sequence, 313, 315–316, 316f
structural, 169–170
types, 313, 313, 313
Action block, 56
Algebra, See Boolean algebra
Algorithms, FV
BDD, 14, 35–39
computing, for circuit design, 37–38
model checking, 38–39
for MUX specification, 35, 35f
overview, 23
satisfiability (SAT), 17, 39–46
algorithms improvements, 45–46
Cook’s theorem, 17
Davis Logemann Loveland (DLL) algorithm, 45–46
Davis-Putnam algorithm, 43–45
model checking, 40–41
solving, 41–43
tautology, 39, 39, 39–40

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