Final Exam

1.  A Forex trade will make money when the long currency gets stronger.

A.   True

B.   False

2.  A Forex trade is two currencies and makes money when the value of one changes against the value of another.

A.   True

B.   False

3.  Trading Forex involves … one currency and … another currency.

A.   Going long

B.   Going short

C.   Buying

D.   Selling

E.   All of the above

4.  Going long one currency and shorting another is called a Forex pair.

A.   True

B.   False

5.  Forex leverage is a form of … that is used to buy currency.

A.   Loan

B.   I.O.U.

C.   Credit card

D.   All of the above

6.  Leverage … the risk of trading.

A.   Increases

B.   Decreases

C.   Leverage doesn’t change the risk of Forex trading

D.   None ...

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