
Active management, 8

Behavioral theories, 6, 7

Boss look good, 41, 42

Boss’s ideas, 41

Communicate, 36


caring, 44

concise, 45, 46

straightforward, 46

truthful, 46, 47

Contingency theories, 6, 7

Contingent rewards, 8

Differentiate yourself, 3840

Effective communication, 36

The Elements of Euclid (Heath, Sir Thomas), 10

Existence, relatedness, and growth (ERG) theory, 21

Flexible, 37, 38

Followership, 1

Followership theory

competencies and components, 15, 16

dimensions of, 14

potential leader, 17, 18

styles of, 13

successful followership, 12

Gossip, workplace environment, 40

Great man theory, 4, 5

Idealized influence, 9

Imagination, 4951

Independent thinking, 52, 53

Individualized consideration, 10


imagination, ...

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