Authors' Acknowledgments

Doug Sahlin: Thanks to Steve Hayes, for making this project possible. Kudos to my coauthor, Bill Sanders, for his knowledge of ActionScript and for being a great guy to work with. A tip of the hat to project editor extraordinaire Kim Darosett, for keeping my inbox full and making this a better book. Thanks to Rebecca Whitney, for understanding my sense of humor, being a kindred spirit, and manicuring the text in this book to perfection. Kudos to the entire Wiley publishing team — you guys and gals are the greatest! Special thanks to Margot Hutchison, for being legally blonde and the best agent an author could hope for. As always, thanks to my friends, mentors, and fellow authors for your support and inspiration. Special thanks to my family, especially you, Karen and Ted. A tip of the hat too to Niki, the furball who shares my space, who is also known as Queen of the Universe.

Bill Sanders: Thanks to Doug Sahlin for being a perfect coauthor, knowledgeable, and amiable. The folks at Adobe were most helpful in providing assistance with queries about Flash as were fellow designers and developers who share the Flash adventure. Steve Hayes and Kim Darosett deftly steered the project and myself through the unique style of this series. Likewise, I want to thank Kathy Simpson, Becky Whitney, and James Russell who contributed to the copy and developmental editing. I imagined them having a tag team to replace each other as they fell exhausted from my manuscript, and ...

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