
ABCP Asset-backed commercial paper
ABS Asset-backed securities
ALM Asset-liability management
AMLF Asset-Backed Commercial Paper Money Market Mutual Fund Liquidity Facility
APT Arbitrage pricing theory
ARM Adjustable rate mortgage
ATM At-the-money
ATMF At-the-money forward
BBA British Bankers’ Association
BHC Bank holding company
BIS Bank for International Settlements
BISTRO Broad Index Secured Trust Offering
bps basis points
CAPM Capital asset pricing model
CD Certificate of deposit
CDF Cumulative probability distribution function
CDO Collateralized debt obligation
CDS Credit default swap
CEBS Committee of European Banking Supervisors
CFPB Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
CFTC Commodities Futures Trading Commission
CLO Collateralized loan obligation
CMBS Commercial mortgage-backed security
CME Chicago Mercantile Exchange
CPFF Commercial Paper Funding Facility
CVA Counterparty valuation adjustment
CVaR Conditional value-at-risk
EL Expected Loss
EMS European monetary system
ERM Exchange Rate Mechanism
ES Expected shortfall (conditional value-at-risk)
ETF Exchange-traded fund
EVT Extreme value theory
EWMA Exponentially weighted moving average
FDIC Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
FHC Financial holding company
FMV Fair market value
FRN Floating-rate note
FSA Financial Services Authority
FSOC Financial Stability Oversight Council
GDP Gross domestic product

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