
Note: Page numbers followed by f and t refer to figures and tables, respectively.

2 k (2048×1080) camera, 185

3D Studio Max, 440

4:3 aspect ratio, 179

4 k (4096×2160) camera, 185

8 mm film format, 171

16 mm film format, 172, 174t

29.97 interlaced frames, 180

35 mm film format, 174, 175, 335f

65 mm film format, 174

720×480 resolution, 179

720p resolution, 185

1080 (1920×1080) resolution, 185


Above-the-line talent, 61

AC. See Assistant camera (AC)

Accounting, 56

budgeting, 57–61

fund raising, 56–57

Actor deal memo, 52, 138

Actors, 52, 85, 121

auditioning. See Auditioning

backstory, 266

breakdown services, 122

budgeting. See Budgeting


agencies, 129

directors, 122

name actors, 122–125

unknowns, 125–126

on your own, 126–128

crew. ...

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