
Acting beats, 1920

in Piece of Apple Pie, A, 86


character, 19, 3233

difference between activities and, 19

parallel, 180

in Piece of Apple Pie, A, 86, 87

punctuated by staging, 3132


auditions, 142143

casting, 140141

directing, 144149

as directors, 139

first read-through, 143

improvisations, 146147

rehearsals, 144147

speaking to character rather than, 145

tips for working with, 139140, 142143, 148149

writing scenes with, 260261

Allen, Woody, 16, 248

All That Jazz, 44

Altman, Robert, 16

Amadeus, 47

Antagonist's voice, 180181

Apartment, The, 77

Apocalypse Now, 47

Approaching and receding screen direction, 1011

Assembly, 155

Assistant directors, 151152

Attenborough, Richard, 31

Audience, 157158

Auditions, 142 ...

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