
A TokenStream takes a field and turns it into a list of tokens. To implement a TokenStream, you need to supply two methods. TokenStream#next should return Tokens in the order followed by nil when there are no more tokens left in the field. TokenStream#text= is used to set the text that the TokenStream will analyze. In Ferret, there are two types of TokenStreams: Tokenizers and TokenFilters.

In the next two sections, we’ll make use of the following test code to test each TokenStream, printing the tokens in a table:

def test_token_stream(token_stream)
  puts "\033[32mStart | End | PosInc | Text\033[m"
  while t =
    puts "%5d |%4d |%5d   | %s" % [t.start, t.end, t.pos_inc, t.text]


Tokenizers take the raw text data from a field and turn it into a list of Tokens. Ferret comes with a number of tokenizer implementations, including:

  • WhiteSpaceTokenizer (and AsciiWhiteSpaceTokenizer)

  • LetterTokenizer (and AsciiLetterTokenizer)

  • StandardTokenizer (and AsciiStandardTokenizer)

  • RegExpTokenizer

Where an ASCII tokenizer exists, the non-ASCII tokenizer is locale-sensitive. That means that the tokenizer will recognize letters, numbers, and whitespace as specified by your locale. If your locale is set to UTF-8, then the tokenizer will recognize UTF-8 characters. This means you need to make sure that the data you are feeding Ferret is in the correct encoding according to your locale; otherwise, you could wind up running into some strange errors. The ASCII tokenizers ...

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