


<fb:iframe src="..."/>

An excellent tool when you need to render complex JavaScript, Flash, or unsupported FBML. This tag links to an external web address and renders the content from that URL inside an HTML <iframe/> tag on the canvas page. From the external URL, any HTML, JavaScript, or Flash may be used, but keep in mind that content will not be parsed by Facebook, and therefore FBML will not be supported for anything output by the <fb:iframe/> tags. <fb:iframe/> is not supported on user profile pages.

FBML-Specific Attributes


src=[string] default: none

External URL (non-Facebook, e.g., your own servers) to render in the iframe. All Facebook variables mentioned in the Forms in FBML” section in Chapter 2 are appended to this URL, including fb_sig_profile, fb_sig_user, fb_sig_session_key, fb_sig_time, and fb_sig, in addition to an fb_sig_in_iframe parameter to let the app know it is being called from an iframe.


smartsize=[true|false] default: false

If true, automatically fits the iframe to the remaining space on the page and disables the scrollbars.

frameborder=[1|0] default: 1

If 1, shows the iframe border. If 0, hides it.

scrolling=[yes|no|auto] default: yes

If yes, displays scrollbars. If no, doesn’t display scrollbars. If auto, scrollbars are displayed only if the enclosed content exceeds the size of the iframe.

style=[string] default: none

Specifies the style for the iframe.

width=[int] default: none

Specifies the width of the iframe.

height=[int ...

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