Time for action – searching while authorized

Grab an access token (see Chapter 3 for a reminder on how to do this) and use it to try that person search again:


   "data": [
         "name": "Robert H.",
         "id": "«redacted»"
         "name": "Robert W.",
         "id": "«redacted»"
         "name": "Bob Bob Bob",
         "id": "«redacted»"
         "Name": "bob t.",
         "Id": "«redacted»"
         "Name": "bob p.",
         "Id": "«redacted»"
   "Paging": {
      "Next": "https://graph.Facebook.Com/search?Type=user&q=bob&access_token=«access_token»&limit=25&offset=25"

This has used both the "smart" features of the web page-based search: it found "Robert" when searching for "Bob", and ordered the results so that people I'm more ...

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