Create a Photo Album


I need to create a photo album.


Use the Photos.createAlbum() method, which unfortunately isn’t supported in the PHP Client Library (see Adding Missing PHP Client Library Methods):

$album = $facebook->api_client->photos_createAlbum('Test Album',
'Testville','This is a test');


This method will return an array containing the information about your newly created album:

    [aid] => 12345679012345
    [cover_pid] => 0
    [owner] => 12345
    [name] => Test Album
    [created] => 1212878578
    [modified] => 1212878578
    [description] => This is a test
    [location] => Testville
    [link] =>
    [size] => 0

You’re allowed to store the aid (album ID) and the uid of the owner, but nothing else. The returned cover_pid value will always be 0 because this album was just created and doesn’t contain any photos yet.

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