Get Pages


I need to find all of the Pages that the current user is a fan of.


Use the Pages.getInfo() method:

$fields = array('name','pic_small','has_added_app');
$pages = $facebook->api_client->pages_getInfo(null,$fields,null,null);


The four parameters are filters that allow you to constrain the result set. The first is for pageids (Page IDs), which allows you to retrieve info for a specific Page or a set of Pages:

$pages = array('25975037248', '5603889283');
$fields = array('name','pic_small','has_added_app');
$pages = $facebook->api_client->pages_getInfo($pages,$fields,null,null);

The second parameter is the set of fields you’d like returned in your results, which can include any of the fields listed in Table 8-15. The third is for uids and allows you to return the Pages for a different user (or set of users), provided that the current loggedinuser is allowed to see that info:

$users = array('567770429');
$fields = array('name','pic_small','has_added_app');
$pages = $facebook->api_client->pages_getInfo(null,$fields,$users,null);

The final parameter is for Page type and lets you filter the results down to a specified list. There doesn’t appear to be an easy way to get the list of possible types, but they are generally an all-uppercase version of the type’s name that you see when creating the page, with spaces replaced by underscores (e.g., “RETAIL”, “MUSICIAN”, “LOCAL_TECHNOLOGY_TELECOMMUNICATIONS_SERVICES”, etc.).

FQL equivalent

If you’d prefer to use FQL to access ...

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