Creating/Modifying Marketplace Listings


I need to create or modify a Facebook Marketplace listing from inside my application.


Creating and modifying listings both use the incorrectly named Marketplace.createListing() method. If you’re creating a new listing, pass a 0 for the lid (listing ID):

$attributes = array('title'=>'Bees!','category'=>'FORSALE',
'subcategory'=>'GENERAL','description'=>'Great big hive full
 of bees for sale. Makes great honey.');
$listing = $facebook->api_client->marketplace_createListing(0, true, $attributes);

If you’re modifying an existing listing, pass the listing’s lid:

$attributes = array('title'=>'Free Bees!','category'=>'FORSALE',
'subcategory'=>'GENERAL','description'=>'I\'m covered in beeeeeees!
 Please take them. Please.');
$listing = $facebook->api_client->marketplace_createListing
(23464075249, true, $attributes);


This method (along with Users.setStatus()) requires that users grant your application an extended permission. If you call it without having the permission granted, you’ll get back a 280 error (“Creating and modifying listings requires the extended permission create_listing”). See Extended Permissions for more information on extended permissions.

The attributes array can contain settings for any of the properties of a Marketplace listing, which you can find in Listing Table.

The middle parameter is a boolean indicating whether the entry should show up on the user’s Profile. Passing true will publish a News story about the ...

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