About the Author

Ronald D. Orol is a senior writer for The Deal magazine and The Daily Deal newspaper, financial publications focused on the mergers-and-acquisitions economy. At The Deal, Orol has spent the past six years covering the hedge fund industry, with a focus on the interplay among activist investors, corporations, and Washington regulators. Orol is a author of the “Over the Hedge” column, he contributes to the “Rules of the Road” weekly column, and he is also a commentator on National Public Radio. In addition, Orol, a well-known hedge fund journalist, regularly organizes and moderates panels on hedge funds for The Deal audience.

Prior to joining The Deal, Orol covered activist hedge funds and mergers and acquisitions for the Washington Dow Jones Newswires office. He also has followed the hedge fund industry and the financial issues for Forbes.com in New York and as a Washington correspondent for the Providence Journal and other newspapers. In 2000, Orol interned with acclaimed financial journalist Jeffrey Birnbaum at Fortune magazine in Washington.

Before moving to Washington, Orol spent three years as a business and technology reporter covering emerging markets for the Prague Post in the Czech Republic. While in Prague, Orol also reported on Eastern European privatization and the political transformation of the region for The Southam News Wire Services, the Montreal Gazette, the Toronto Star, and the Ottawa Citizen.

There he developed an expertise in post-Soviet eastern ...

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