Code Management Tools

The code management tool used on your project can make a huge difference in your productivity. Ideally, whatever tool you use, it should make it easy to do the following tasks:

  1. Identify local changes

  2. Differentiate between local changes and released code

  3. Identify who released a change, and when they released it

  4. Merge changes and released code

  5. Revert to previously released code

If you're using VA Smalltalk, VW Smalltalk, or VA Java, we recommend using ENVY. There are alternatives, but ENVY is the preferred choice in our opinion.

In other environments, or if you just can't swing the price, a tool like CVS, Visual SourceSafe, PVCS, MKS, or TLIB will do the job. There are lots of code managements tools out there—read this chapter, ...

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