
I would like to express my thanks to colleagues with whom I have had productive working relationships over thirty years of involvement with investigating fraud (some of whom would not have thought at the time that they would be thanked in the context of countering fraud at some later point).

To certain former colleagues in Greater Manchester Police (UK) who were truly in the battle against fraud, withstanding the internal tide and overriding institutional notions of fraud being a ‘victimless’ crime. Of course, it was then led by the most inspirational Chief Constable in English policing history, James Anderton. It was an honour Sir.

Post police service, I thank the following colleagues:

Anatoly Yakorev, Director at the Moscow Centre for Business Ethics & Compliance.

James Ratley, President of the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE) for the foreword to this book.

Professor Eric Shepherd, a name of world renown in our area. Massively inspirational, and whose academic and vocational brilliance benefits so many. ‘SE3R’ and ‘Conversation Management’ are but two such hugely influential contributions ahead of their time, that have shaped so many investigative interviewing best practices in so many places. Professor Shepherd’s kind permission to include these models is highly appreciated.

Suleiman Al Rawahi, Senior Auditor, Ministry of Defence, Sultanate of Oman.

Ehi Esoimeme, associate within Deji Sasegbon (SAN) Nigeria, author of so many excellent scholarly ...

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