A First Script—dialback

It is surprising how little scripting is necessary to produce something useful. Below is a script that dials a phone. It is used to reverse the charges so that long-distance phone calls are charged to the computer. It is invoked with the phone number as its argument.

spawn tip modem
expect "connected"
send "ATD$argv\r"
# modem takes a while to connect
set timeout 60
expect "CONNECT"

The first line runs the tip program so that the output of a modem can be read by expect and its input written by send. Once tip says it is connected, the modem is told to dial using the command ATD followed by the phone number. The phone number is retrieved from argv, which is a variable predefined to contain the original argument with which the script was called.

The fourth line is just a comment noting that the variable being set in the next line controls how long expect will wait before giving up. At this point, the script waits for the call to complete. No matter what happens, expect terminates. If the call succeeds, the system detects that a user is connected and prompts with "login:“.

Actual scripts do more error checking, of course. For example, the script could retry if the call fails. But the point here is that it does not take much code to produce useful scripts. This six-line script replaced a 60Kb executable (written in C) that did the same thing!

In Chapter 16 (p. 347), I will talk more about the dialback concept and show a different way to do it.

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