About the Technical Editors

Jason Kridner is the Software Community Development Manager for Sitara ARM processors at Texas Instruments Incorporated (TI). During his over 20-year tenure with TI, he has become an active leader in TI's open source initiative and played an integral role in creating open-source development tools such as BeagleBoard, BeagleBoard-xM BeagleBone, and now BeagleBone Black, a credit-card-sized Linux computer platform based on TI's 1 GHz Sitara AM335x ARM¯ Cortex-A8 processor that runs Android 4.0 and Ubuntu software. As a high-profile industry expert, Kridner has engaged audiences at a variety of industry and developer shows including Maker Faire, OSCON, CES, Design, Android Builders Summit, Linux Collaboration Summit, and the Embedded Linux Conference.


Robert Zhu is a principal development manager at Microsoft for the Windows Operating System Group. He is an expert in OS leading-edge development, research, and design in computer engineering such as kernel, device driver, and board support packages. Robert also gives training classes to OEMs on driver development and Windows OS research. Before working for Microsoft, he was with Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC), USA, as senior software engineer on the 64-bit DEC Alpha platform for workstation server optimization and performance tuning for Windows, and a software lead with Motorola Wireless Division, Canada. He obtained his master of computer science at the University of Washington; his master of computing ...

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