9.6. Command Line Utilities

Thus far, the discussion in this chapter has focused on the GUI tools you can use to administer SSIS. There are also a series of tools that you can use from a command line that act as a Swiss Army knife for an SSIS administrator. The two main tools that you'll use are DTExec.exe and DTUtil.exe.

DTExec.exe is a tool you'll use to execute your packages from a command line, and Dtutil.exe can help you migrate a package or change the security of a package, just to name a few of its functions.

9.6.1. DTExec.exe

You've already seen the power of DTExecUI.exe for executing your packages. That tool wraps the command line utility DTExec.exe. A shortcut here is to use DTExecUI.exe to create the command for you. You can see the full list of switches for this utility by typing the following:

dtexec.exe /?

For example, to execute a package that is stored in the msdb database on your localhost, you could use the following command:

DTExec.exe /DTS "\MSDB\DBSnapshots" /SERVER localhost /MAXCONCURRENT " −1 "

This command is more verbose than is required. In reality, you must only type the /DTS and /SERVER switches to find and execute the package.

9.6.2. DTUtil.exe

One of the best undiscovered command line tools in your administrator kit is DTUtil.exe. This is also a good tool for developers as well. The tool performs a number of functions, including moving packages, renumbering the PackageID, re-encrypting a package, and digitally signing ...

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