Update Application Security Structures

Before moving on to new topics, please run all the commands and scripts that we have described thus far. At a SQL*Plus prompt or other SQL client, as SYS user, run the commands in Chapter11/Sys.sql. Substitute the name of an OS user who will be doing administrative tasks (you?) in the GRANT appver_admin command.

Then, as the application security, appsec user, run the commands in Chapter11/AppSec.sql. That should be easy. Additionally, execute the code from Chapter11/F_MASK.plb and Chapter11/F_UNMASK.plb (the masked versions).

Still as appsec user, remove the comment from the first line, CREATE OR REPLACE AND RESOLVE JAVA in Chapter11/orajavsec/OJSC.java (the obfuscated version) and execute that as SQL code. ...

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