
Analysis of variance (ANOVA)

assumptions, 6

one-way analysis of variance (one-way ANOVA), 4

table, 15, 16

two-way ANOVA, 53

using pooling, 223

Basic design, 197, 200

Block confounding, 214–234

Block sum of squares (SSB), 80

Bonferroni simultaneous intervals, 24, 25, 26, 29, 30, 86

Brown-Forsythe-Levene (BFL) test, 39

Column vector, 93

Complete model, 103

Completely randomized experimental design, 2

Control treatment, 34

Covariate, 115

Cross-over design, 162–168

Dependent variable, 1

Designed experiment, 2

Design generator, 197, 200

Dunnett’s procedure, 34

Error mean square, 11

Error sum of squares (SSE), 9, 80

Experimental units, 2

F (model) statistic, 96

F tests, 58, 59

Fisher’s least significant difference (LSD), 34

Fixed models, 35–38 ...

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