

Section I: Context

Chapter 1: Thinking about Design

The Duality of Design

Design: The Evolutionary Advantage

The Maker/Designer

Splitting the Maker/Designer

Information Accelerates Change

Codifying Design as Separate from Making

The Modern Brand

Where There’s Brand, There’s Consumerism

Acceleration through Technology


Chapter 2: Thinking about Business

Customer Value and the Goal of Business

The Challenges of Identifying, Creating, and Delivering Value

The Origins of Faceted Value

Chapter 3: Thinking about Change

The Implication of Time

Technology and the Evolution of Value

The Innovation Mirage

Add It Up: We Need Experience Design

Chapter 4: Thinking about Experience Design

Considering Experience

Setting the Strategic Stage for Experience Design

Principles of Experience Design

Experience Design versus Agile

In Search of the Ultimate Example of Experience Design

Section II: Frameworks and Tools

Chapter 5: Brand Frameworks and Tools

Brand Basics for Experience Design

Brand Concept Frameworks

Brand Concept to Real Value

Brand Attribute Framework

Chapter 6: Product/Service Frameworks and Tools

Part 1: Initial Thinking and Definition

Part 2: Extending Product and Service Thinking into Life Cycles

Part 3: Trend and Implication Framework

Chapter 7: Customer Journey Framework

Framework Background

The Customer Journey Framework

1: Awareness

2: Consideration

3: Purchase

4: First Use

5: Ongoing Use

6: Discontinue Use

7: Recycle/Renew

Using the Customer Journey ...

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