
Our look is the result of reader comments, our own experimentation, and feedback from distribution channels. Distinctive covers complement our distinctive approach to technical topics, breathing personality and life into potentially dry subjects.

The animal on the cover of Exchange Server Cookbook is a yellow baboon (Papio cynocephalus). This species has yellow-brown and yellow-grey fur and a long tail nearly equal in length to the rest of its body. It occupies southern equatorial and East Africa in areas of thorn scrub, savannah, woodland, and gallery forest. Yellow baboons live in overlapping territories within multi-male, multi-female groups ranging in size from 7 to 200 individuals. A linear hierarchy exists among the females, and there is much aggression among males for their attention. Within a group, younger males will take estrus females away from older males by solo aggressive attacks at night, while older males will counter by forming coalitions with other older males and attacking during the day. Each female usually has between one and three consorts to choose from during estrus. These male consorts protect them, aid in the rearing of infants, and will even become foster parents if the mother dies.

Yellow baboons exhibit complex vocal communication that consists of barking, grunting, screeching, yakking, clicking, and several other distinctive sounds. The two-phase bark, which sounds like “wahoo,” is emitted by adult males when a predator is nearby, especially ...

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