
[bib01] Barton94: John Barton and Lee Nackman, Scientific and Engineering C++. Addison-Wesley, <year>1994</year>.

[bib02] Cargill92: Tom Cargill, C++ Programming Style. Addison-Wesley, <year>1992</year>.

[bib03] Cargill94: Tom Cargill,Exception Handling: A False Sense of Security.” C++ Report, 9(6), Nov.–Dec. 1994.

[bib04] Cline95: Marshall Cline and Greg Lomow, C++ FAQs. Addison-Wesley, <year>1995</year>.

[bib05] Cline99: Marshall Cline, Greg Lomow, and Mike Girou, C++ FAQs, Second Edition. Addison Wesley Longman, <year>1999</year>.

[bib06] Coplien92: James Coplien. Advanced C++ Programming Styles and Idioms. Addison-Wesley, <year>1992</year>.

[bib07] Ellis90: Margaret Ellis and Bjarne Stroustrup, The Annotated C++ Reference Manual

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