Using Date & Time Functions

Calculating Dates

You can use different formulas to return a specific date. Here are some common examples you can use.

Calculate a Specific Day

You can use the DATE function to quickly calculate a specific day, such as New Year’s (January 1st) or Christmas (December 25th).


Calculate a Changing Day

You can use the DATE and WEEKDAY function to calculate a holiday that changes each year, such as Thanksgiving, which is celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November.

=DATE(A1,11,1)+IF(5<WEEKDAY (DATE(A1,11,1)),7-WEEKDAY(DATE(A1,11,1))+5,5-WEEKDAY(DATE(A1,11,1)))+((4-1)*7)

Calculate the Day of the Year

You can calculate the day of the year for a specific date in the A1 cell. This function ...

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