

& (ampersand), 58

' (apostrophe), converting formulas to text, 65

* (asterisk), 56, 301

{ } (braces), 89

^ (caret), 56

: (colon), 58

, (comma), 58

$ (dollar sign), 64

= (equal sign), as start of formulas, 53. See also equal to operator

/ (forward slash), 56

< (left arrow), 56

<= (left arrow, equal sign), 56

- (minus sign), 55

% (percent sign), 56

+ (plus sign), 55

> (right arrow), 56

>= (right arrow, equal sign), 56

' (single quotation mark), 71-73

(space), 58

#NULL! error value, 115

referring to overlapping ranges, 50-51

<> (two arrows), 56

#DIV/0! error value, 112, 167

#N/A error value, 113

#NAME? error value, 113-115

#NULL! error value, 115

#NUM! error value, 115

#REF! error value, 115-116

#VALUE! error value, 116

% Difference ...

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