Excel® 2007 VBA Programmer's Reference

Book description

Get ready to take your Excel applications to the next level by harnessing the power of the VBA language. This comprehensive resource will help you gain more control over your spreadsheets by using VBA while also showing you how to develop more dynamic Excel applications for other users. From introductory concepts to advanced developer topics, it guides you through every aspect of Excel 2007, including the Ribbon and the XML file formats.

Table of contents

  1. Copyright
  2. About the Authors
  3. Credits
  4. Acknowledgments
  5. Introduction
    1. Early Spreadsheet Macros
    2. The XLM Macro Language
    3. Excel 5
    4. Excel 97
    5. Excel 2000
    6. Excel 2002
    7. Excel 2003
    8. Excel 2007
    9. Excel 2007 VBA Programmer's Reference
    10. Version Issues
    11. What You Need to Use this Book
    12. Conventions Used
    13. In Case of a Crisis...
    14. Feedback
    15. Questions?
  6. 1. Primer in Excel VBA
    1. 1.1. Using the Macro Recorder
      1. 1.1.1. Recording Macros
        1. Macro Security
        2. The Personal Macro Workbook
      2. 1.1.2. Running Macros
        1. Shortcut Keys
        2. Absolute and Relative Recording
      3. 1.1.3. The Visual Basic Editor
        1. Code Modules
        2. Procedures
        3. The Project Explorer
        4. The Properties Window
      4. 1.1.4. Other Ways to Run Macros
        1. Worksheet Buttons
        2. Forms Controls
        3. ActiveX Controls
        4. Quick Access Toolbar
        5. Event Procedures
    2. 1.2. User-Defined Functions
      1. 1.2.1. Creating a UDF
        1. Direct Reference to Ranges
      2. 1.2.2. What UDFs Cannot Do
    3. 1.3. The Excel Object Model
      1. 1.3.1. Objects
        1. Collections
        2. Properties
        3. Methods
        4. Events
      2. 1.3.2. Getting Help
        1. The Object Browser
      3. 1.3.3. Experimenting in the Immediate Window
    4. 1.4. The VBA Language
      1. 1.4.1. Basic Input and Output
        1. Parameters Specified by Position
        2. Parameters Specified by Name
        3. Constants
        4. Return Values
          1. Parentheses
        5. InputBox
      2. 1.4.2. Calling Functions and Sub Procedures
        1. The Call Statement
      3. 1.4.3. Parentheses and Argument Lists
        1. Without the Call Statement
        2. An Important Subtlety Regarding Parentheses
        3. With the Call Statement
      4. 1.4.4. Variable Declaration
        1. Option Explicit
      5. 1.4.5. Scope and Lifetime of Variables
      6. 1.4.6. Variable Type
        1. Declaring Variable Type
        2. Declaring Function and Parameter Types
        3. Constants
        4. Variable Naming Conventions
      7. 1.4.7. Object Variables
        1. With...End With
      8. 1.4.8. Making Decisions
        1. If Statements
        2. Block If
        3. Select Case
      9. 1.4.9. Looping
        1. Do...Loop
        2. For...Next Loop
        3. For Each...Next Loop
      10. 1.4.10. Arrays
        1. Multi-Dimensional Arrays
        2. Dynamic Arrays
      11. 1.4.11. Run-Time Error-Handling
        1. On Error Resume Next
    5. 1.5. Summary
  7. 2. The Application Object
    1. 2.1. Globals
    2. 2.2. The Active Properties
    3. 2.3. Display Alerts
    4. 2.4. Screen Updating
    5. 2.5. Evaluate
    6. 2.6. InputBox
    7. 2.7. StatusBar
    8. 2.8. SendKeys
    9. 2.9. OnTime
    10. 2.10. OnKey
    11. 2.11. Worksheet Functions
    12. 2.12. Caller
    13. 2.13. Summary
  8. 3. Workbooks and Worksheets
    1. 3.1. The Workbooks Collection
      1. 3.1.1. Getting a Filename from a Path
      2. 3.1.2. Files in the Same Directory
      3. 3.1.3. Overwriting an Existing Workbook
      4. 3.1.4. Saving Changes
    2. 3.2. The Sheets Collection
      1. 3.2.1. Worksheets
      2. 3.2.2. Copy and Move
      3. 3.2.3. Grouping Worksheets
    3. 3.3. The Window Object
      1. 3.3.1. Synchronizing Worksheets
    4. 3.4. Summary
  9. 4. Using Ranges
    1. 4.1. Activate and Select
    2. 4.2. Range Property
      1. 4.2.1. Shortcut Range References
      2. 4.2.2. Ranges on Inactive Worksheets
      3. 4.2.3. Range Property of a Range Object
      4. 4.2.4. Cells Property
      5. 4.2.5. Cells Used in Range
      6. 4.2.6. Ranges of Inactive Worksheets
      7. 4.2.7. More on the Cells Property of the Range Object
      8. 4.2.8. Single-Parameter Range Reference
    3. 4.3. Offset Property
    4. 4.4. Resize Property
    5. 4.5. SpecialCells Method
      1. 4.5.1. Last Cell
      2. 4.5.2. Deleting Numbers
    6. 4.6. CurrentRegion Property
    7. 4.7. End Property
      1. 4.7.1. Referring to Ranges with End
    8. 4.8. Summing a Range
    9. 4.9. Columns and Rows Properties
      1. 4.9.1. Areas
    10. 4.10. Union and Intersect Methods
    11. 4.11. Empty Cells
    12. 4.12. Transferring Values between Arrays and Ranges
      1. 4.12.1. Deleting Rows
    13. 4.13. Summary
  10. 5. Using Names
    1. 5.1. Naming Ranges
      1. 5.1.1. Using the Name Property of the Range Object
    2. 5.2. Special Names
    3. 5.3. Storing Values in Names
    4. 5.4. Storing Arrays
    5. 5.5. Hiding Names
    6. 5.6. Working with Named Ranges
    7. 5.7. Searching for a Name
      1. 5.7.1. Searching for the Name of a Range
      2. 5.7.2. Determining which Names Overlap a Range
    8. 5.8. Summary
  11. 6. Data Lists
    1. 6.1. Structuring the Data
    2. 6.2. Sorting a Range
      1. 6.2.1. Older Excel Versions
    3. 6.3. Creating a Table
    4. 6.4. Sorting a Table
    5. 6.5. AutoFilter
      1. 6.5.1. AutoFilter Object
      2. 6.5.2. Filter Object
      3. 6.5.3. Date Custom Filter
      4. 6.5.4. Adding Combo Boxes
        1. Date Format Problems
        2. Getting the Exact Date
      5. 6.5.5. Copying the Visible Rows
      6. 6.5.6. Finding the Visible Rows
    6. 6.6. Advanced Filter
    7. 6.7. Data Form
    8. 6.8. Summary
  12. 7. PivotTables
    1. 7.1. Creating a PivotTable Report
      1. 7.1.1. PivotCaches
      2. 7.1.2. PivotTables Collection
    2. 7.2. PivotFields
      1. 7.2.1. CalculatedFields
    3. 7.3. PivotItems
      1. 7.3.1. Grouping
      2. 7.3.2. Visible Property
      3. 7.3.3. CalculatedItems
    4. 7.4. PivotCharts
    5. 7.5. External Data Sources
    6. 7.6. Summary
  13. 8. Charts
    1. 8.1. Chart Sheets
      1. 8.1.1. The Recorded Macro
      2. 8.1.2. Adding a Chart Sheet Using VBA Code
    2. 8.2. Embedded Charts
      1. 8.2.1. Using the Macro Recorder
      2. 8.2.2. Adding an Embedded Chart Using VBA Code
    3. 8.3. Editing Data Series
    4. 8.4. Defining Chart Series with Arrays
    5. 8.5. Converting a Chart to Use Arrays
    6. 8.6. Determining the Ranges Used in a Chart
    7. 8.7. Chart Labels
    8. 8.8. Summary
  14. 9. Event Procedures
    1. 9.1. Worksheet Events
      1. 9.1.1. Enable Events
      2. 9.1.2. Worksheet Calculate
    2. 9.2. Chart Events
      1. 9.2.1. Before Double Click
    3. 9.3. Workbook Events
      1. 9.3.1. Save Changes
    4. 9.4. Headers and Footers
    5. 9.5. Summary
  15. 10. Adding Controls
    1. 10.1. Form and ActiveX Controls
    2. 10.2. ActiveX Controls
      1. 10.2.1. Scrollbar Control
      2. 10.2.2. Spin Button Control
      3. 10.2.3. CheckBox Control
      4. 10.2.4. Option Button Controls
    3. 10.3. Forms Controls
    4. 10.4. Dynamic ActiveX Controls
    5. 10.5. Controls on Charts
    6. 10.6. Summary
  16. 11. Text Files and File Dialog
    1. 11.1. Opening Text Files
    2. 11.2. Writing to Text Files
    3. 11.3. Reading Text Files
    4. 11.4. Writing to Text Files Using Print
      1. 11.4.1. Reading Data Strings
      2. 11.4.2. Flexible Separators and Delimiters
    5. 11.5. FileDialog
      1. 11.5.1. FileDialogFilters
      2. 11.5.2. FileDialogSelectedItems
      3. 11.5.3. Dialog Types
      4. 11.5.4. Execute Method
      5. 11.5.5. MultiSelect
    6. 11.6. Summary
  17. 12. Working with XML and the Open XML File Formats
    1. 12.1. The Basics of Using XML Data in Excel
      1. 12.1.1. XML Fundamentals
        1. The XML Declaration
        2. Processing Instructions
        4. Elements and the Root Element
        5. Attributes
        6. Namespaces
        7. Viewing and Editing an XML Document
      2. 12.1.2. Consuming XML Data Directly
      3. 12.1.3. Creating and Managing Your Own XML Maps
        1. Creating Your Own XML Schema Description
        2. Creating Your Own XML Map
    2. 12.2. Using VBA to Program XML Processes
      1. 12.2.1. Programming XML Maps
        1. Open an XML Document Directly into a List
        2. Programmatically Changing XML Map Properties
        3. Refresh Your XML Data
        4. Turn Your XML Lists into Hard Data
        5. Creating Your Own XSD
        6. Creating a Custom XML List
        7. Importing Data into an Existing XML Map
        8. Exporting to an XML File
      2. 12.2.2. Leveraging DOM and XPath to Manipulate XML Files
        1. Loading XML into a DOM Document
        2. Using DOM with ADO to Convert Excel Data to XML
        3. Traversing and Modifying XML Files with DOM and XPath
          1. Return all Employee IDs
          2. Return all Nodes for Any Employee with an Invoice Amount over $3000
          3. Trap the Node that Contains the FirstName Mike
          4. Find and Edit the Node that Contains the FirstName Mike
          5. Find and Delete all Nodes for the Employee Bullen
    3. 12.3. Using VBA to Program Open XML Files
      1. 12.3.1. Programming Open XML Files with VBA
        1. Programmatically Unzipping an Excel Container
      2. 12.3.2. Programmatically Zipping an Excel Container
        1. Edit the sharedStrings XML File to Implement Mass Updates to Text
        2. Unprotect a Worksheet via Open XML Manipulation
        3. Updating Connection Strings
    4. 12.4. Summary
  18. 13. UserForms
    1. 13.1. Displaying a UserForm
    2. 13.2. Creating a UserForm
    3. 13.3. Directly Accessing Controls in UserForms
    4. 13.4. Stopping the Close Button
    5. 13.5. Maintaining a Data List
    6. 13.6. Modeless UserForms
      1. 13.6.1. Progress Indicator
    7. 13.7. Variable UserForm Name
    8. 13.8. Summary
  19. 14. RibbonX
    1. 14.1. Overview
    2. 14.2. Prerequisites
    3. 14.3. Adding the Customizations
    4. 14.4. XML Structure
    5. 14.5. RibbonX and VBA
    6. 14.6. Control Types
      1. 14.6.1. Basic Controls
      2. 14.6.2. Container Controls
    7. 14.7. Control Attributes
    8. 14.8. Control Callbacks
    9. 14.9. Managing Control Images
    10. 14.10. Other RibbonX Elements, Attributes, and Callbacks
      1. 14.10.1. Sharing Controls among Multiple Workbooks
      2. 14.10.2. Updating Controls at Run Time
      3. 14.10.3. Hooking Built-In Controls
      4. 14.10.4. RibbonX in Dictator Applications
      5. 14.10.5. Customizing the Office Menu
      6. 14.10.6. Customizing the QAT
      7. 14.10.7. Controlling Tabs, Tab Sets, and Groups
    11. 14.11. Dynamic Controls
      1. 14.11.1. dropDown, comboBox, and gallery
      2. 14.11.2. dynamicMenu
    12. 14.12. CommandBar Extensions for the Ribbon
    13. 14.13. RibbonX Limitations
    14. 14.14. Summary
  20. 15. Command Bars
    1. 15.1. Toolbars, Menu Bars, and Popups
    2. 15.2. Excel's Built-in Command Bars
    3. 15.3. Controls at All Levels
      1. 15.3.1. FaceIds
    4. 15.4. Creating New Menus
      1. 15.4.1. The OnAction Macros
    5. 15.5. Passing Parameter Values
    6. 15.6. Deleting a Menu
    7. 15.7. Creating a Toolbar
    8. 15.8. Popup Menus
    9. 15.9. Showing Popup Command Bars
      1. 15.9.1. Table-Driven Command Bar Creation
    10. 15.10. Summary
  21. 16. Class Modules
    1. 16.1. Creating Your Own Objects
    2. 16.2. Property Procedures
    3. 16.3. Creating Collections
      1. 16.3.1. Class Module Collection
    4. 16.4. Encapsulation
    5. 16.5. Trapping Application Events
    6. 16.6. Embedded Chart Events
    7. 16.7. A Collection of UserForm Controls
    8. 16.8. Referencing Classes Across Projects
    9. 16.9. Summary
  22. 17. Add-ins
    1. 17.1. Hiding the Code
    2. 17.2. Creating an Add-in
    3. 17.3. Closing Add-ins
    4. 17.4. Code Changes
    5. 17.5. Saving Changes
    6. 17.6. Interface Changes
    7. 17.7. Installing an Add-in
    8. 17.8. AddinInstall Event
    9. 17.9. Removing an Add-in from the Add-ins List
    10. 17.10. Summary
  23. 18. Automation Add-Ins and COM Add-Ins
    1. 18.1. Automation Add-Ins
      1. 18.1.1. A Simple Add-In — Sequence
      2. 18.1.2. Registering Automation Add-Ins with Excel
        1. Through the Excel User Interface
        2. Using VBA
        3. In the Registry
      3. 18.1.3. Using Automation Add-Ins
        1. In the Worksheet
        2. In VBA
      4. 18.1.4. Introducing the IDTExtensibility2 Interface
        1. A Complex Add-In — RandUnique
        2. A QuickSort Routine
    2. 18.2. COM Add-Ins
      1. 18.2.1. The IDTExtensibility2 Interface (Continued)
      2. 18.2.2. Registering a COM Add-In with Excel
      3. 18.2.3. The COM Add-In Designer
        1. Linking to Excel
          1. Responding to Excel's Events
          2. Adding CommandBar Controls
        2. Using a COM Add-In from VBA
          1. Adding Ribbon Controls
        3. Creating Custom Task Panes
        4. Showing VBA UserForms as Task Panes
        5. Putting it all Together
        6. Linking to Multiple Office Applications
    3. 18.3. Summary
  24. 19. Interacting with Other Office Applications
    1. 19.1. Establishing the Connection
      1. 19.1.1. Late Binding
      2. 19.1.2. Early Binding
    2. 19.2. Opening a Document in Word
    3. 19.3. Accessing an Active Word Document
    4. 19.4. Creating a New Word Document
    5. 19.5. Access and ADO
    6. 19.6. Access, Excel, and, Outlook
    7. 19.7. Better than Mail Merge
      1. 19.7.1. Readable Document Variables
    8. 19.8. Summary
  25. 20. Data Access with ADO
    1. 20.1. An Introduction to Structured Query Language (SQL)
      1. 20.1.1. The SELECT Statement
      2. 20.1.2. The INSERT Statement
      3. 20.1.3. The UPDATE Statement
      4. 20.1.4. The DELETE Statement
    2. 20.2. An Overview of ADO
      1. 20.2.1. The Connection Object
        1. Connection Object Properties
          1. The ConnectionString Property
          2. The ConnectionTimeout Property
          3. The State Property
        2. Connection Object Methods
          1. The Open Method
          2. The Execute Method
          3. The Close Method
        3. Connection Object Events
        4. Connection Object Collections
          1. Errors Collection
          2. The Properties Collection
      2. 20.2.2. The Recordset Object
        1. Recordset Object Properties
          1. The ActiveConnection Property
          2. The BOF and EOF Properties
          3. The CursorLocation Property
          4. The Filter Property
          5. The State Property
        2. Recordset Object Methods
          1. The Open Method
          2. The Close Method
          3. The Move Methods
          4. The NextRecordset Method
        3. Recordset Object Events
        4. Recordset Object Collections
          1. The Fields Collection
          2. The Properties Collection
      3. 20.2.3. The Command Object
        1. Command Object Properties
          1. The ActiveConnection Property
          2. The CommandText Property
          3. The CommandType Property
        2. Command Object Methods
          1. The CreateParameter Method
          2. The Execute Method
        3. Command Object Collections
          1. The Parameters Collection
          2. The Properties Collection
      4. 20.2.4. Using ADO in Microsoft Excel Applications
      5. 20.2.5. Using ADO with Microsoft Access
        1. Connecting to Microsoft Access
        2. Retrieving Data from Microsoft Access Using a Plain Text Query
        3. Retrieving Data from Microsoft Access Using a Stored Query
        4. Inserting, Updating, and Deleting Records with Plain Text SQL in Microsoft Access
      6. 20.2.6. Using ADO with Microsoft SQL Server
        1. Connecting to Microsoft SQL Server
        2. Microsoft SQL Server Stored Procedures
        3. Multiple Recordsets
        4. Disconnected Recordsets
      7. 20.2.7. Using ADO with Non-Standard Data Sources
        1. Querying Microsoft Excel Workbooks
        2. Inserting and Updating Records in Microsoft Excel Workbooks
        3. Querying Text Files
    3. 20.3. Summary
  26. 21. Managing External Data
    1. 21.1. The External Data User Interface
      1. 21.1.1. Get External Data
      2. 21.1.2. Manage Connections
    2. 21.2. The QueryTable and ListObject
      1. 21.2.1. A QueryTable from a Relational Database
      2. 21.2.2. A Query Table Associated with a ListObject
      3. 21.2.3. QueryTables and Parameter Queries
      4. 21.2.4. QueryTables from Web Queries
      5. 21.2.5. A QueryTable from a Text File
      6. 21.2.6. Creating and Using Connection Files
        1. Office Data Connect Files
        2. Web Query Files
    3. 21.3. The WorkbookConnection Object and the Connections Collection
    4. 21.4. External Data Security Settings
    5. 21.5. Summary
  27. 22. The Trust Center and Document Security
    1. 22.1. The Trust Center
      1. 22.1.1. Trusted Publishers
      2. 22.1.2. Trusted Locations
      3. 22.1.3. Add-ins
      4. 22.1.4. ActiveX Settings
      5. 22.1.5. Macro Settings
      6. 22.1.6. Message Bar
      7. 22.1.7. External Content
      8. 22.1.8. Privacy Options
    2. 22.2. Automating Document Inspection
      1. 22.2.1. The RemoveDocumentInformation Method
      2. 22.2.2. The DocumentInspectors Collection
    3. 22.3. Summary
  28. 23. Browsing OLAP Data Sources with Excel
    1. 23.1. Analyzing OLAP Data via Pivot Tables
      1. 23.1.1. Connecting to an OLAP Data Source
      2. 23.1.2. Browsing the OLAP Data Source
    2. 23.2. Understanding the MDX behind OLAP-based Pivot Tables
      1. 23.2.1. The Basics of MDX
        1. Deciphering Excel's MDX Queries
        2. Create an MDX Log
          1. NON EMPTY
          2. Hierarchize
          3. DrilldownLevel
          4. Various Server-Side Settings
    3. 23.3. Browsing OLAP Data Sources without Pivot Tables
      1. 23.3.1. Using ADO to Return Flattened Recordsets
      2. 23.3.2. Using ADO MD to Get Cube Schema Information
      3. 23.3.3. Creating an Inventory of Dimensions, Hierarchies, and Levels
    4. 23.4. Creating Offline Cubes
      1. 23.4.1. Creating an Offline Cube Manually
      2. 23.4.2. Using the CreateCubeFile Method
      3. 23.4.3. Creating an Offline Cube Using ADO MD and VBA
    5. 23.5. Summary
  29. 24. Excel and the Internet
    1. 24.1. What Can the Internet Do for You?
    2. 24.2. Using the Internet for Storing Workbooks
    3. 24.3. Using the Internet as a Data Source
      1. 24.3.1. Opening Web Pages as Workbooks
      2. 24.3.2. Using Web Queries
      3. 24.3.3. Parsing Web Pages for Specific Information
    4. 24.4. Using the Internet to Publish Results
      1. 24.4.1. Setting Up a Web Server
      2. 24.4.2. Saving Worksheets as Web Pages
      3. 24.4.3. Creating Interactive Web Pages
    5. 24.5. Using the Internet as a Communication Channel
      1. 24.5.1. Communicating with a Web Server
        1. Sending Data from the Client to the Server Application
          1. URL Encoding
          2. POSTing Data
    6. 24.6. Summary
  30. 25. International Issues
    1. 25.1. Changing Windows Regional Settings and the Office 2007 UI Language
    2. 25.2. Responding to Regional Settings and the Windows Language
      1. 25.2.1. Identifying the User's Regional Settings and Windows Language
      2. 25.2.2. VBA Conversion Functions from an International Perspective
        1. Implicit Conversion
        2. Date Literals
        3. The IsNumeric and IsDate Functions
        4. The CStr Function
        5. The CDbl, CSng, CLng, CInt, CByte, CCur, and CDec Functions
        6. The CDate and DateValue Functions
        7. The CBool
        8. The Format Function
        9. The FormatCurrency, FormatDateTime, FormatNumber, and FormatPercent Functions
        10. The Str Function
        11. The sNumToUS Function
        12. The Val Function
        13. Application.Evaluate
          1. The IsDateUS Function
          2. The DateValueUS Function
    3. 25.3. Interacting with Excel
      1. 25.3.1. Sending Data to Excel
      2. 25.3.2. Reading Data from Excel
      3. 25.3.3. The Rules for Working with Excel
    4. 25.4. Interacting with Users
      1. 25.4.1. Paper Sizes
      2. 25.4.2. Displaying Data
      3. 25.4.3. Interpreting Data
      4. 25.4.4. The xxxLocal Properties
      5. 25.4.5. The Rules for Working with Your Users
    5. 25.5. Excel 2007's International Options
    6. 25.6. Features That Don't Play by the Rules
      1. 25.6.1. The OpenText Function
      2. 25.6.2. The SaveAs Function
      3. 25.6.3. The ShowDataForm Sub Procedure
      4. 25.6.4. Pasting Text
      5. 25.6.5. PivotTable Calculated Fields and Items, and Conditional Format and Data Validation Formulas
      6. 25.6.6. Web Queries
      7. 25.6.7. =TEXT() Worksheet Function
    7. 25.7. The Range.Value, Range.Formula, and Range.FormulaArray Properties
    8. 25.8. The Range.AutoFilter Method
    9. 25.9. The Range.AdvancedFilter Method
    10. 25.10. The Application.Evaluate, Application.ConvertFormula, and Application.ExecuteExcel4Macro Functions
    11. 25.11. Responding to Office 2007 Language Settings
      1. 25.11.1. Where Does the Text Come From?
        1. Regional Settings Location
        2. Office UI Language Settings
        3. Language Version of Windows
      2. 25.11.2. Identifying the Office UI Language Settings
      3. 25.11.3. Creating a Multilingual Application
        1. A Suggested Approach
        2. How to Store String Resources
      4. 25.11.4. Working in a Multilingual Environment
        1. Allow Extra Space
        2. Using Excel's Objects
        3. Using SendKeys
        4. Using RibbonX
      5. 25.11.5. The Rules for Developing a Multilingual Application
    12. 25.12. Some Helpful Functions
      1. 25.12.1. The bWinToNum Function
      2. 25.12.2. The bWinToDate Function
      3. 25.12.3. The sFormatDate Function
      4. 25.12.4. The ReplaceHolders Function
    13. 25.13. Summary
  31. 26. Programming the VBE
    1. 26.1. Identifying VBE Objects in Code
      1. 26.1.1. The VBE Object
      2. 26.1.2. The VBProject Object
      3. 26.1.3. The VBComponent Object
      4. 26.1.4. The CodeModule Object
      5. 26.1.5. The CodePane Object
      6. 26.1.6. The Designer Object
    2. 26.2. Starting Up
    3. 26.3. Adding Menu Items to the VBE
    4. 26.4. Working with Workbooks
    5. 26.5. Working with Code
    6. 26.6. Working with UserForms
    7. 26.7. Working with References
    8. 26.8. COM Add-ins
    9. 26.9. Summary
  32. 27. Programming with the Windows API
    1. 27.1. Anatomy of an API Call
    2. 27.2. Interpreting C-Style Declarations
    3. 27.3. Constants, Structures, Handles, and Classes
    4. 27.4. What If Something Goes Wrong?
    5. 27.5. Wrapping API Calls in Class Modules
    6. 27.6. Some Example Classes
      1. 27.6.1. A High-Resolution Timer Class
      2. 27.6.2. Class Module CHighResTimer
      3. 27.6.3. Freeze a UserForm
      4. 27.6.4. A System Info Class
    7. 27.7. Modifying UserForm Styles
      1. 27.7.1. Window Styles
      2. 27.7.2. The CFormChanger Class
    8. 27.8. Resizable UserForms
      1. 27.8.1. Absolute Changes
      2. 27.8.2. Relative Changes
      3. 27.8.3. The CFormResizer Class
    9. 27.9. Summary
  33. A. Excel 2007 Object Model
    1. A.1. Common Properties with Collections and Associated Objects
      1. A.1.1. Common Collection Properties
      2. A.1.2. Common Collection Methods
      3. A.1.3. Common Object Properties
    2. A.2. Excel Objects and Their Properties, Methods, and Events
      1. A.2.1. AboveAverage Object
      2. A.2.2. AboveAverage Properties
        1. A.2.2.1. AboveAverage Properties
        2. A.2.2.2. AboveAverage Methods
        3. A.2.2.3. AboveAverage Object Example
      3. A.2.3. Action Object and the Actions Collection
        1. A.2.3.1. Action Properties
      4. A.2.4. Add-In Object and the Addins Collection
      5. A.2.5. Add-In Common Properties
        1. A.2.5.1. Add-In Properties
        2. A.2.5.2. AddIn Object and the AddIns Collection Example
      6. A.2.6. Adjustments Object
        1. A.2.6.1. Adjustments Common Properties
        2. A.2.6.2. Adjustments Properties
        3. A.2.6.3. Adjustments Object Example
      7. A.2.7. AllowEditRange Object and the AllowEditRanges Collection
        1. A.2.7.1. AllowEditRanges Collection Properties
        2. A.2.7.2. AllowEditRanges Collection Methods
        3. A.2.7.3. AllowEditRange Properties
        4. A.2.7.4. AllowEditRange Methods
        5. A.2.7.5. AllowEditRange Object Example
      8. A.2.8. Application Object
        1. A.2.8.1. Application Common Properties
        2. A.2.8.2. Application Properties
        3. A.2.8.3. Application Methods
        4. A.2.8.4. Application Events
        5. A.2.8.5. Application Object Example
      9. A.2.9. Areas Collection
        1. A.2.9.1. Areas Common Properties
        2. A.2.9.2. Areas Properties
        3. A.2.9.3. Areas Collection Example
      10. A.2.10. AutoCorrect Object
        1. A.2.10.1. AutoCorrect Common Properties
        2. A.2.10.2. AutoCorrect Properties
        3. A.2.10.3. AutoCorrect Methods
        4. A.2.10.4. AutoCorrect Object Example
      11. A.2.11. AutoFilter Object
        1. A.2.11.1. AutoFilter Common Properties
        2. A.2.11.2. AutoFilter Properties
        3. A.2.11.3. AutoFilter Methods
        4. A.2.11.4. AutoFilter Object Example
      12. A.2.12. AutoRecover Object
        1. A.2.12.1. AutoRecover Common Properties
        2. A.2.12.2. AutoRecover Properties
        3. A.2.12.3. AutoRecover Object Example
      13. A.2.13. Axis Object and the Axes Collection
        1. A.2.13.1. Axis Common Properties
        2. A.2.13.2. Axis Properties
        3. A.2.13.3. Axis Methods
        4. A.2.13.4. Axis Object and the Axes Collection Example
      14. A.2.14. AxisTitle Object
        1. A.2.14.1. AxisTitle Common Properties
        2. A.2.14.2. AxisTitle Properties
        3. A.2.14.3. AxisTitle Methods
        4. A.2.14.4. AxisTitle Object Example
      15. A.2.15. Border Object and the Borders Collection
        1. A.2.15.1. Borders Collection Properties
        2. A.2.15.2. Border Common Properties
        3. A.2.15.3. Border Properties
        4. A.2.15.4. Border Object and the Borders Collection Example
      16. A.2.16. CalculatedFields Collection
      17. A.2.17. CalculatedItems Collection
      18. A.2.18. CalculatedMember Object and the CalculatedMembers Collection
        1. A.2.18.1. CalculatedMembers Common Properties
        2. A.2.18.2. CalculatedMembers Collection Properties
        3. A.2.18.3. CalculatedMembers Collection Methods
        4. A.2.18.4. CalculatedMember Common Properties
        5. A.2.18.5. CalculatedMember Properties
        6. A.2.18.6. CalculatedMember Methods
        7. A.2.18.7. CalculatedMembers Collection and CalculatedMember Object Example
      19. A.2.19. CalloutFormat Object
        1. A.2.19.1. CalloutFormat Common Properties
        2. A.2.19.2. CalloutFormat Properties
        3. A.2.19.3. CalloutFormat Methods
        4. A.2.19.4. CalloutFormat Object Example
      20. A.2.20. CellFormat Object
        1. A.2.20.1. CellFormat Common Properties
        2. A.2.20.2. CellFormat Properties
        3. A.2.20.3. CellFormat Methods
        4. A.2.20.4. CellFormat Object Example
      21. A.2.21. Characters Object
        1. A.2.21.1. Characters Common Properties
        2. A.2.21.2. Characters Properties
        3. A.2.21.3. Characters Methods
        4. A.2.21.4. Characters Object Example
      22. A.2.22. Chart Object and the Charts Collection
        1. A.2.22.1. Charts Collection Properties and Methods
        2. A.2.22.2. Chart Common Properties
        3. A.2.22.3. Chart Properties
        4. A.2.22.4. Chart Methods
        5. A.2.22.5. Chart Events
        6. A.2.22.6. Chart Object and the Charts Collection Example
      23. A.2.23. ChartArea Object
        1. A.2.23.1. ChartArea Common Properties
        2. A.2.23.2. ChartArea Properties
        3. A.2.23.3. ChartArea Methods
        4. A.2.23.4. ChartArea Object Example
      24. A.2.24. ChartColorFormat Object
        1. A.2.24.1. ChartColorFormat Common Properties
        2. A.2.24.2. ChartColorFormat Properties
      25. A.2.25. ChartFillFormat Object
        1. A.2.25.1. ChartFillFormat Common Properties
        2. A.2.25.2. ChartFillFormat Properties
        3. A.2.25.3. ChartFillFormat Methods
        4. A.2.25.4. ChartFillFormat Object Example
      26. A.2.26. ChartFormat Object
        1. A.2.26.1. ChartFormat Common Properties
        2. A.2.26.2. ChartFormat Properties
      27. A.2.27. ChartGroup Object and the ChartGroups Collection
        1. A.2.27.1. ChartGroup Common Properties
        2. A.2.27.2. ChartGroup Properties
        3. A.2.27.3. ChartGroup Methods
        4. A.2.27.4. ChartGroup Object and the ChartGroups Collection Example
      28. A.2.28. ChartObject Object and the ChartObjects Collection
        1. A.2.28.1. ChartObjects Collection Properties and Methods
        2. A.2.28.2. ChartObject Common Properties
        3. A.2.28.3. ChartObject Properties
        4. A.2.28.4. ChartObject Methods
        5. A.2.28.5. ChartObject Object and the ChartObjects Collection Example
      29. A.2.29. ChartTitle Object
        1. A.2.29.1. ChartTitle Common Properties
        2. A.2.29.2. ChartTitle Properties
        3. A.2.29.3. ChartTitle Methods
        4. A.2.29.4. ChartTitle Object Example
      30. A.2.30. ChartView Object
        1. A.2.30.1. ChartView Common Properties
        2. A.2.30.2. ChartView Properties
      31. A.2.31. ColorFormat Object
        1. A.2.31.1. ColorFormat Common Properties
        2. A.2.31.2. ColorFormat Properties
        3. A.2.31.3. ColorFormat Object Example
      32. A.2.32. ColorScale Object
      33. A.2.33. ColorScale Properties
        1. A.2.33.1. ColorScale Properties
        2. A.2.33.2. ColorScale Methods
        3. A.2.33.3. ColorScale Object Example
      34. A.2.34. End SubColorScaleCriterion and the ColorScaleCriteria Collection
      35. A.2.35. ColorScaleCriteria Common Properties
        1. A.2.35.1. ColorScaleCriterion Properties
      36. A.2.36. ColorStop Object and ColorStops Collection
        1. A.2.36.1. ColorStops Common Properties
        2. A.2.36.2. ColorStops Methods
        3. A.2.36.3. ColorStop Common Properties
        4. A.2.36.4. ColorStops Methods
      37. A.2.37. Comment Object and the Comments Collection
        1. A.2.37.1. Comment Common Properties
        2. A.2.37.2. Comment Properties
        3. A.2.37.3. Comment Methods
        4. A.2.37.4. Comment Object and the Comments Collection Example
      38. A.2.38. ConditionValue Object
      39. A.2.39. ConditionValue Properties
        1. A.2.39.1. ConditionValue Properties
        2. A.2.39.2. ConditionValue Methods
      40. A.2.40. Connections Object
        1. A.2.40.1. Connections Common Properties
        2. A.2.40.2. Connections Methods
          1. A. Connections Example
      41. A.2.41. ConnectorFormat Object
        1. A.2.41.1. ConnectorFormat Common Properties
        2. A.2.41.2. ConnectorFormat Properties
        3. A.2.41.3. ConnectorFormat Methods
        4. A.2.41.4. ConnectorFormat Object Example
      42. A.2.42. ControlFormat Object
        1. A.2.42.1. ControlFormat Common Properties
        2. A.2.42.2. ControlFormat Properties
        3. A.2.42.3. ControlFormat Methods
        4. A.2.42.4. ControlFormat Object Example
      43. A.2.43. CubeField Object and the CubeFields Collection
        1. A.2.43.1. CubeFields Common Properties
        2. A.2.43.2. CubeFields Collection Methods
        3. A.2.43.3. CubeField Common Properties
        4. A.2.43.4. CubeField Properties
        5. A.2.43.5. CubeField Methods
      44. A.2.44. CustomProperty Object and the CustomProperties Collection
        1. A.2.44.1. CustomProperties Common Properties
        2. A.2.44.2. CustomProperties Collection Properties
        3. A.2.44.3. CustomProperties Collection Methods
        4. A.2.44.4. CustomProperty Common Properties
        5. A.2.44.5. CustomProperty Properties
        6. A.2.44.6. CustomProperty Methods
        7. A.2.44.7. CustomProperty Object Example
      45. A.2.45. CustomView Object and the CustomViews Collection
        1. A.2.45.1. CustomView Common Properties
        2. A.2.45.2. CustomView Properties
        3. A.2.45.3. CustomView Methods
        4. A.2.45.4. CustomView Object and the CustomViews Collection Example
      46. A.2.46. Databar Object
      47. A.2.47. Databar Properties
        1. A.2.47.1. Databar Properties
        2. A.2.47.2. Databar Methods
        3. A.2.47.3. Databar Object Example
      48. A.2.48. DataLabel Object and the DataLabels Collection
        1. A.2.48.1. DataLabels Collection Properties and Methods
        2. A.2.48.2. DataLabel Common Properties
        3. A.2.48.3. DataLabel Properties
        4. A.2.48.4. DataLabel Methods
        5. A.2.48.5. DataLabel Object and the DataLabels Collection Example
      49. A.2.49. DataTable Object
        1. A.2.49.1. DataTable Common Properties
        2. A.2.49.2. DataTable Properties
        3. A.2.49.3. DataTable Methods
        4. A.2.49.4. DataTable Object Example
      50. A.2.50. DefaultWebOptions Object
        1. A.2.50.1. DefaultWebOptions Common Properties
        2. A.2.50.2. DefaultWebOptions Properties
        3. A.2.50.3. DefaultWebOptions Object Example
      51. A.2.51. Dialog Object and the Dialogs Collection
        1. A.2.51.1. Dialogs Common Properties
        2. A.2.51.2. Dialog Common Properties
        3. A.2.51.3. Dialog Methods
        4. A.2.51.4. Dialog Object and the Dialogs Collection Example
      52. A.2.52. DisplayUnitLabel Object
        1. A.2.52.1. DisplayUnitLabel Common Properties
        2. A.2.52.2. DisplayUnitLabel Properties
        3. A.2.52.3. DisplayUnitLabel Methods
        4. A.2.52.4. DisplayUnitLabel Object Example
      53. A.2.53. DownBars Object
        1. A.2.53.1. DownBars Common Properties
        2. A.2.53.2. DownBars Properties
        3. A.2.53.3. DownBars Methods
      54. A.2.54. DropLines Object
        1. A.2.54.1. DropLines Common Properties
        2. A.2.54.2. DropLines Properties
        3. A.2.54.3. DropLines Methods
      55. A.2.55. Error Object and the Errors Collection
        1. A.2.55.1. Errors Common Properties
        2. A.2.55.2. Errors Collection Properties
        3. A.2.55.3. Error Common Properties
        4. A.2.55.4. Error Properties
          1. A. Errors Collection Example
      56. A.2.56. ErrorBars Object
        1. A.2.56.1. ErrorBars Common Properties
        2. A.2.56.2. ErrorBars Properties
        3. A.2.56.3. ErrorBars Methods
        4. A.2.56.4. ErrorBars Object Example
      57. A.2.57. ErrorCheckingOptions Collection Object
        1. A.2.57.1. ErrorCheckingOptions Common Properties
        2. A.2.57.2. ErrorCheckingOptions Collection Properties
      58. A.2.58. FillFormat Object
        1. A.2.58.1. FillFormat Common Properties
        2. A.2.58.2. FillFormat Properties
        3. A.2.58.3. FillFormat Methods
        4. A.2.58.4. FillFormat Object Example
      59. A.2.59. Filter Object and the Filters Collection
        1. A.2.59.1. Filters Common Properties
        2. A.2.59.2. Filter Common Properties
        3. A.2.59.3. Filter Properties
      60. A.2.60. Floor Object
        1. A.2.60.1. Floor Common Properties
        2. A.2.60.2. Floor Properties
        3. A.2.60.3. Floor Methods
        4. A.2.60.4. Floor Object Example
      61. A.2.61. Font Object
        1. A.2.61.1. Font Common Properties
        2. A.2.61.2. Font Properties
        3. A.2.61.3. Font Object Example
      62. A.2.62. FormatColor Object
        1. A.2.62.1. FormatColor Common Properties
        2. A.2.62.2. FormatColor Properties
      63. A.2.63. FormatCondition Object and the FormatConditions Collection
        1. A.2.63.1. FormatConditions Common Properties
        2. A.2.63.2. FormatConditions Methods
        3. A.2.63.3. FormatCondition Common Properties
        4. A.2.63.4. FormatCondition Properties
      64. A.2.64. FormatCondition Methods
        1. A.2.64.1. FormatCondition Object and the FormatConditions Collection Example
      65. A.2.65. FreeformBuilder Object
        1. A.2.65.1. FreeformBuilder Common Properties
        2. A.2.65.2. FreeformBuilder Methods
        3. A.2.65.3. FreeformBuilder Object Example
      66. A.2.66. Graphic Object
        1. A.2.66.1. Graphic Common Properties
        2. A.2.66.2. Graphic Properties
        3. A.2.66.3. Graphic Object Example
      67. A.2.67. Gridlines Object
        1. A.2.67.1. Gridlines Common Properties
        2. A.2.67.2. Gridlines Properties
        3. A.2.67.3. Gridlines Methods
        4. A.2.67.4. Gridlines Object Example
      68. A.2.68. GroupShapes Collection
      69. A.2.69. HeaderFooter Object
        1. A.2.69.1. HeaderFooter Properties
      70. A.2.70. HiLoLines Object
        1. A.2.70.1. HiLoLines Common Properties
        2. A.2.70.2. HiLoLines Properties
        3. A.2.70.3. HiLoLines Methods
      71. A.2.71. HPageBreak Object and the HPageBreaks Collection
        1. A.2.71.1. HPageBreak Common Properties
        2. A.2.71.2. HPageBreak Properties
        3. A.2.71.3. HPageBreak Methods
        4. A.2.71.4. HPageBreak Object and the HPageBreaks Collection Example
      72. A.2.72. Hyperlink Object and the Hyperlinks Collection
        1. A.2.72.1. Hyperlink Common Properties
        2. A.2.72.2. Hyperlink Properties
        3. A.2.72.3. Hyperlink Methods
        4. A.2.72.4. Hyperlink Object and the Hyperlinks Collection Example
      73. A.2.73. Icon Object
        1. A.2.73.1. Icon Common Properties
      74. A.2.74. IconCriterion and the IconCriteria Collection
      75. A.2.75. IconCriteria Common Properties
        1. A.2.75.1. IconCriterion Properties
      76. A.2.76. IconSet and the IconSets Collection
      77. A.2.77. IconSets Common Properties
      78. A.2.78. IconSet Properties
        1. A.2.78.1. IconSet Properties
      79. A.2.79. IconSetCondition Object
      80. A.2.80. IconSetCondition Properties
        1. A.2.80.1. IconSetCondition Properties
        2. A.2.80.2. IconSetCondition Methods
        3. A.2.80.3. IconSetCondition Object Example
      81. A.2.81. Interior Object
        1. A.2.81.1. Interior Common Properties
        2. A.2.81.2. Interior Properties
        3. A.2.81.3. Interior Object Example
      82. A.2.82. IRtdServer Object
        1. A.2.82.1. IRtdServer Methods
      83. A.2.83. IRTDUpdateEvent Object
        1. A.2.83.1. IRTDUpdateEvent Properties
        2. A.2.83.2. IRTDUpdateEvent Methods
      84. A.2.84. LeaderLines Object
        1. A.2.84.1. LeaderLines Common Properties
        2. A.2.84.2. LeaderLines Properties
        3. A.2.84.3. LeaderLines Methods
        4. A.2.84.4. LeaderLines Object Example
      85. A.2.85. Legend Object
        1. A.2.85.1. Legend Common Properties
        2. A.2.85.2. Legend Properties
        3. A.2.85.3. Legend Methods
        4. A.2.85.4. Legend Object Example
      86. A.2.86. LegendEntry Object and the LegendEntries Collection
        1. A.2.86.1. LegendEntry Common Properties
        2. A.2.86.2. LegendEntry Properties
        3. A.2.86.3. LegendEntry Methods
        4. A.2.86.4. LegendEntry Object and the LegendEntries Collection Example
      87. A.2.87. LegendKey Object
        1. A.2.87.1. LegendKey Common Properties
        2. A.2.87.2. LegendKey Properties
        3. A.2.87.3. LegendKey Methods
      88. A.2.88. LinearGradient Object
        1. A.2.88.1. LinearGradient Common Properties
        2. A.2.88.2. LinearGradient Properties
      89. A.2.89. LineFormat Object
        1. A.2.89.1. LineFormat Common Properties
        2. A.2.89.2. LineFormat Properties
        3. A.2.89.3. LineFormat Object Example
      90. A.2.90. LinkFormat Object
        1. A.2.90.1. LinkFormat Common Properties
        2. A.2.90.2. LinkFormat Properties
        3. A.2.90.3. LinkFormat Methods
        4. A.2.90.4. LinkFormat Object Example
      91. A.2.91. ListColumn and ListColumns Collection
      92. A.2.92. ListColumns Common Properties
        1. A.2.92.1. ListColumn Common Properties
        2. A.2.92.2. ListColumn Properties
        3. A.2.92.3. ListColumn Methods
        4. A.2.92.4. ListColumns Object Example
      93. A.2.93. ListDataFormat Object
        1. A.2.93.1. ListDataFormat Common Properties
        2. A.2.93.2. ListDataFormat Properties
      94. A.2.94. ListObject Object and the ListObjects Collection
      95. A.2.95. ListObjects Common Properties
      96. A.2.96. ListObject Properties
        1. A.2.96.1. ListObject Properties
        2. A.2.96.2. ListObject Methods
        3. A.2.96.3. List Object Example
      97. A.2.97. ListRow Object and the ListRows Collection
      98. A.2.98. ListRows Common Properties
      99. A.2.99. ListRow Properties
        1. A.2.99.1. ListRow Properties
        2. A.2.99.2. ListRow Methods
      100. A.2.100. Mailer Object
        1. A.2.100.1. Mailer Common Properties
        2. A.2.100.2. Mailer Properties
      101. A.2.101. MultiThreadedCalculation Object
        1. A.2.101.1. MultiThreadedCalculation Common Properties
        2. A.2.101.2. MultiThreadedCalculation Properties
      102. A.2.102. Name Object and the Names Collection
        1. A.2.102.1. Name Common Properties
        2. A.2.102.2. Name Properties
      103. A.2.103. Name Methods
        1. A.2.103.1. Name Object and the Names Collection Example
      104. A.2.104. ODBCConnection Object
        1. A.2.104.1. ODBCConnection Common Properties
        2. A.2.104.2. ODBCConnection Properties
        3. A.2.104.3. ODBCConnection Methods
      105. A.2.105. ODBCError Object and the ODBCErrors Collection
        1. A.2.105.1. ODBCError Common Properties
        2. A.2.105.2. ODBCError Properties
        3. A.2.105.3. ODBCError Object and the ODBCErrors Collection Example
      106. A.2.106. OLEDBConnection Object
        1. A.2.106.1. OLEDBConnection Common Properties
        2. A.2.106.2. OLEDBConnection Properties
        3. A.2.106.3. OLEDBConnection Methods
      107. A.2.107. OLEDBError Object and the OLEDBErrors Collection
        1. A.2.107.1. OLEDBError Common Properties
        2. A.2.107.2. OLEDBError Properties
        3. A.2.107.3. OLEDBError Object and the OLEDBErrors Collection Example
      108. A.2.108. OLEFormat Object
        1. A.2.108.1. OLEFormat Common Properties
        2. A.2.108.2. OLEFormat Properties
        3. A.2.108.3. OLEFormat Methods
      109. A.2.109. OLEObject Object and the OLEObjects Collection
        1. A.2.109.1. OLEObjects Collection Properties and Methods
        2. A.2.109.2. OLEObject Common Properties
        3. A.2.109.3. OLEObject Properties
        4. A.2.109.4. OLEObject Methods
        5. A.2.109.5. OLEObject Events
      110. A.2.110. Outline Object
        1. A.2.110.1. Outline Common Properties
        2. A.2.110.2. Outline Properties
        3. A.2.110.3. Outline Methods
        4. A.2.110.4. Outline Object Example
      111. A.2.111. Page Object and the Pages Collection
        1. A.2.111.1. Page Properties
      112. A.2.112. PageSetup Object
        1. A.2.112.1. PageSetup Common Properties
        2. A.2.112.2. PageSetup Properties
        3. A.2.112.3. PageSetup Methods
        4. A.2.112.4. PageSetup Object Example
      113. A.2.113. Pane Object and the Panes Collection
        1. A.2.113.1. Pane Common Properties
        2. A.2.113.2. Pane Properties
        3. A.2.113.3. Pane Methods
        4. A.2.113.4. Pane Object and the Panes Collection Example
      114. A.2.114. Parameter Object and the Parameters Collection
        1. A.2.114.1. Parameters Collection Properties and Methods
        2. A.2.114.2. Parameter Common Properties
        3. A.2.114.3. Parameter Properties
        4. A.2.114.4. Parameter Methods
        5. A.2.114.5. Parameter Object and the Parameters Collection Example
      115. A.2.115. Phonetic Object and the Phonetics Collection
        1. A.2.115.1. Phonetics Collection Properties and Methods
        2. A.2.115.2. Phonetic Common Properties
        3. A.2.115.3. Phonetic Properties
      116. A.2.116. PictureFormat Object
        1. A.2.116.1. PictureFormat Common Properties
        2. A.2.116.2. PictureFormat Properties
        3. A.2.116.3. PictureFormat Methods
        4. A.2.116.4. PictureFormat Object Example
      117. A.2.117. PivotAxis Object
        1. A.2.117.1. PivotAxis Common Properties
        2. A.2.117.2. PivotAxis Properties
      118. A.2.118. PivotCache Object and the PivotCaches Collection
        1. A.2.118.1. PivotCache Common Properties
        2. A.2.118.2. PivotCache Properties
        3. A.2.118.3. PivotCache Methods
        4. A.2.118.4. PivotCache Object and the PivotCaches Collection Example
      119. A.2.119. PivotCell Object
        1. A.2.119.1. PivotCell Common Properties
        2. A.2.119.2. PivotCell Properties
      120. A.2.120. PivotField Object, PivotFields Collection, and the CalculatedFields Collection
        1. A.2.120.1. PivotField Common Properties
        2. A.2.120.2. PivotField Properties
        3. A.2.120.3. PivotField Methods
        4. A.2.120.4. PivotField Object, PivotFields Collection, and the CalculatedFields Example
      121. A.2.121. PivotFilter Object and the PivotFilters Collection
        1. A.2.121.1. PivotFilter Common Properties
        2. A.2.121.2. PivotFilter Properties
        3. A.2.121.3. PivotFilter Methods
        4. A.2.121.4. PivotFilters Object Example
      122. A.2.122. PivotFormula Object and the PivotFormulas Collection
        1. A.2.122.1. PivotFormula Common Properties
        2. A.2.122.2. PivotFormula Properties
        3. A.2.122.3. PivotFormula Methods
      123. A.2.123. PivotItem Object, PivotItems Collection, and the CalculatedItems Collection
        1. A.2.123.1. PivotItem Common Properties
        2. A.2.123.2. PivotItem Properties
        3. A.2.123.3. PivotItem Methods
        4. A.2.123.4. PivotItem Object, PivotItems Collection, and the CalculatedItems Collection Example
      124. A.2.124. PivotItemList Object
        1. A.2.124.1. PivotItemList Common Properties
        2. A.2.124.2. PivotItemList Properties
        3. A.2.124.3. PivotItemList Methods
      125. A.2.125. PivotLayout Object
        1. A.2.125.1. PivotLayout Common Properties
        2. A.2.125.2. PivotLayout Properties
      126. A.2.126. PivotLine Object, the PivotLines Collection, and the PivotLinesCells Collection
        1. A.2.126.1. PivotLine Properties
        2. A.2.126.2. PivotLine Properties
      127. A.2.127. PivotTable Object and the PivotTables Collection
        1. A.2.127.1. PivotTable Common Properties
        2. A.2.127.2. PivotTable Properties
        3. A.2.127.3. PivotTable Methods
        4. A.2.127.4. PivotTable Object and the PivotTables Collection Example
      128. A.2.128. PlotArea Object
        1. A.2.128.1. PlotArea Common Properties
        2. A.2.128.2. PlotArea Properties
        3. A.2.128.3. PlotArea Methods
        4. A.2.128.4. PlotArea Object Example
      129. A.2.129. Point Object and the Points Collection
        1. A.2.129.1. Point Common Properties
        2. A.2.129.2. Point Properties
        3. A.2.129.3. Point Methods
        4. A.2.129.4. Point Object and the Points Collection Example
      130. A.2.130. Protection Object
        1. A.2.130.1. Protection Properties
        2. A.2.130.2. Protection Object Example
      131. A.2.131. PublishObject Object and the PublishObjects Collection
        1. A.2.131.1. PublishObjects Methods
        2. A.2.131.2. PublishObject Common Properties
        3. A.2.131.3. PublishObject Properties
        4. A.2.131.4. PublishObject Methods
        5. A.2.131.5. PublishObject Object and the PublishObjects Collection Example
      132. A.2.132. QueryTable Object and the QueryTables Collection
        1. A.2.132.1. QueryTables Methods
        2. A.2.132.2. QueryTable Common Properties
        3. A.2.132.3. QueryTable Properties
        4. A.2.132.4. QueryTable Methods
        5. A.2.132.5. QueryTable Events
        6. A.2.132.6. QueryTable Object and the QueryTables Collection Example
      133. A.2.133. Range Object and the Ranges Collection Object
        1. A.2.133.1. Range Common Properties
        2. A.2.133.2. Range Properties
        3. A.2.133.3. Range Methods
      134. A.2.134. RecentFile Object and the RecentFiles Collection
        1. A.2.134.1. RecentFile Common Properties
        2. A.2.134.2. RecentFile Properties
        3. A.2.134.3. RecentFile Methods
        4. A.2.134.4. RecentFile Object and the RecentFiles Collection Example
      135. A.2.135. RectangularGradient Object
        1. A.2.135.1. RectangleGradient Common Properties
        2. A.2.135.2. RectangleGradient Properties
      136. A.2.136. RoutingSlip Object
        1. A.2.136.1. RoutingSlip Common Properties
        2. A.2.136.2. RoutingSlip Properties
        3. A.2.136.3. RoutingSlip Methods
      137. A.2.137. RTD Object
        1. A.2.137.1. RTD Properties
        2. A.2.137.2. RTD Methods
      138. A.2.138. Scenario Object and the Scenarios Collection
        1. A.2.138.1. Scenarios Methods
        2. A.2.138.2. Scenario Common Properties
        3. A.2.138.3. Scenario Properties
        4. A.2.138.4. Scenario Methods
        5. A.2.138.5. Scenario Object and the Scenarios Collection Example
      139. A.2.139. Series Object and the SeriesCollection Collection
        1. A.2.139.1. SeriesCollection Methods
        2. A.2.139.2. Series Common Properties
        3. A.2.139.3. Series Properties
        4. A.2.139.4. Series Methods
      140. A.2.140. SeriesLines Object
        1. A.2.140.1. SeriesLines Common Properties
        2. A.2.140.2. SeriesLines Properties
        3. A.2.140.3. SeriesLines Methods
        4. A.2.140.4. SeriesLines Object Example
      141. A.2.141. ServerViewableItems Collection
        1. A.2.141.1. ServerViewableItems Methods
        2. A.2.141.2. ServerViewableItems Collection Example
      142. A.2.142. ShadowFormat Object
        1. A.2.142.1. ShadowFormat Common Properties
        2. A.2.142.2. ShadowFormat Properties
        3. A.2.142.3. ShadowFormat Methods
        4. A.2.142.4. ShadowFormat Object Example
      143. A.2.143. Shape Object and the Shapes Collection
        1. A.2.143.1. Shapes Collection Properties and Methods
        2. A.2.143.2. Shape Common Properties
        3. A.2.143.3. Shape Properties
        4. A.2.143.4. Shape Methods
      144. A.2.144. ShapeNode Object and the ShapeNodes Collection
        1. A.2.144.1. ShapeNodes Collection Methods
        2. A.2.144.2. ShapeNode Common Properties
        3. A.2.144.3. ShapeNode Properties
        4. A.2.144.4. ShapeNode Object and the ShapeNodes Collection Example
      145. A.2.145. ShapeRange Collection
        1. A.2.145.1. ShapeRange Properties
        2. A.2.145.2. ShapeRange Methods
        3. A.2.145.3. ShapeRange Collection Example
      146. A.2.146. Sheets Collection
        1. A.2.146.1. Sheets Common Properties
        2. A.2.146.2. Sheets Properties
        3. A.2.146.3. Sheets Methods
      147. A.2.147. SheetViews Object
      148. A.2.148. SmartTag Object and the SmartTags Collection Object
        1. A.2.148.1. SmartTags Collection Common Properties
        2. A.2.148.2. SmartTag Common Properties
        3. A.2.148.3. SmartTag Properties
        4. A.2.148.4. SmartTag Methods
      149. A.2.149. SmartTagAction Object and the SmartTagActions Collection Object
        1. A.2.149.1. SmartTagAction Common Properties
        2. A.2.149.2. SmartTagAction Properties
        3. A.2.149.3. SmartTagAction Methods
      150. A.2.150. SmartTagOptions Collection Object
        1. A.2.150.1. SmartTagOptions Collection Properties
      151. A.2.151. SmartTagReconizer Object and the SmartTagRecognizers Collection Object
        1. A.2.151.1. SmartTagRecognizers Collection Properties
        2. A.2.151.2. SmartTagRecognizer Common Properties
        3. A.2.151.3. SmartTagRecognizer Properties
      152. A.2.152. Sort Object
        1. A.2.152.1. Sort Common Properties
        2. A.2.152.2. Sort Properties
        3. A.2.152.3. Sort Methods
      153. A.2.153. SortField Object and the SortFields Collection
        1. A.2.153.1. SortFields Common Properties
        2. A.2.153.2. SortFields Methods
        3. A.2.153.3. SortField Common Properties
        4. A.2.153.4. SortField Properties
        5. A.2.153.5. SortField Methods
      154. A.2.154. SoundNote Object
        1. A.2.154.1. SoundNote Methods
      155. A.2.155. Speech Object
        1. A.2.155.1. Speech Properties
        2. A.2.155.2. Speech Methods
        3. A.2.155.3. Speech Object Example
      156. A.2.156. SpellingOptions Collection Object
        1. A.2.156.1. SpellingOptions Collection Properties
        2. A.2.156.2. SpellingOptions Collection Object Example
      157. A.2.157. Style Object and the Styles Collection
        1. A.2.157.1. Style Common Properties
        2. A.2.157.2. Style Properties
        3. A.2.157.3. Style Methods
        4. A.2.157.4. Style Object and the Styles Collection Example
      158. A.2.158. Tab Object
        1. A.2.158.1. Tab Common Properties
        2. A.2.158.2. Tab Properties
        3. A.2.158.3. Tab Object Example
      159. A.2.159. TableStyle Object and the TableStyles Collection Object
        1. A.2.159.1. TableStyles Collection Common Properties
        2. A.2.159.2. TableStyle Common Properties
        3. A.2.159.3. TableStyle Properties
        4. A.2.159.4. TableStyle Methods
        5. A.2.159.5. TableStyle Object and TableStyles Example
      160. A.2.160. TableStyleElement Object and the TableStyleElements Collection Object
        1. A.2.160.1. TableStyleElement Common Properties
        2. A.2.160.2. TableStyleElement Properties
        3. A.2.160.3. TableStyleElement Methods
      161. A.2.161. TextEffectFormat Object
        1. A.2.161.1. TextEffectFormat Common Properties
        2. A.2.161.2. TextEffectFormat Properties
        3. A.2.161.3. TextEffectFormat Methods
        4. A.2.161.4. TextEffectFormat Object Example
      162. A.2.162. TextFrame Object
        1. A.2.162.1. TextFrame Common Properties
        2. A.2.162.2. TextFrame Properties
        3. A.2.162.3. TextFrame Methods
        4. A.2.162.4. TextFrame Object Example
      163. A.2.163. TextFrame2 Object
        1. A.2.163.1. TextFrame2 Common Properties
        2. A.2.163.2. TextFrame2 Properties
        3. A.2.163.3. ThreeDFormat Methods
      164. A.2.164. ThreeDFormat Object
        1. A.2.164.1. ThreeDFormat Common Properties
        2. A.2.164.2. ThreeDFormat Properties
        3. A.2.164.3. ThreeDFormat Methods
        4. A.2.164.4. ThreeDFormat Object Example
      165. A.2.165. TickLabels Object
        1. A.2.165.1. TickLabels Common Properties
        2. A.2.165.2. TickLabels Properties
        3. A.2.165.3. TickLabels Methods
        4. A.2.165.4. TickLabels Object Example
      166. A.2.166. Top10 Object
      167. A.2.167. Top10 Properties
        1. A.2.167.1. Top10 Properties
        2. A.2.167.2. Top10 Methods
        3. A.2.167.3. Top10 Object Example
      168. A.2.168. TreeviewControl Object
        1. A.2.168.1. TreeviewControl Common Properties
        2. A.2.168.2. TreeviewControl Properties
      169. A.2.169. Trendline Object and the Trendlines Collection
        1. A.2.169.1. Trendline Common Properties
        2. A.2.169.2. Trendline Properties
        3. A.2.169.3. Trendline Methods
        4. A.2.169.4. Trendline Object and the Trendlines Collection Example
      170. A.2.170. UniqueValues Object
      171. A.2.171. UniqueValues Properties
        1. A.2.171.1. UniqueValues Properties
        2. A.2.171.2. UniqueValues Methods
        3. A.2.171.3. UniqueValues Object Example
      172. A.2.172. UpBars Object
        1. A.2.172.1. UpBars Common Properties
        2. A.2.172.2. UpBars Properties
        3. A.2.172.3. UpBars Methods
      173. A.2.173. UsedObjects Collection Object
      174. A.2.174. UserAccess Collection Object
        1. A.2.174.1. UserAccess Collection Properties
        2. A.2.174.2. UserAccess Collection Methods
      175. A.2.175. UserAccessList Collection Object
        1. A.2.175.1. UserAccessList Methods
        2. A.2.175.2. UserAccessList Object Example
      176. A.2.176. Validation Object
        1. A.2.176.1. Validation Common Properties
        2. A.2.176.2. Validation Properties
        3. A.2.176.3. Validation Methods
        4. A.2.176.4. Validation Object Example
      177. A.2.177. VPageBreak Object and the VPageBreaks Collection
        1. A.2.177.1. VPageBreak Common Properties
        2. A.2.177.2. VPageBreak Properties
        3. A.2.177.3. VPageBreak Methods
        4. A.2.177.4. VPageBreak Object and the VPageBreaks Collection Example
      178. A.2.178. Walls Object
        1. A.2.178.1. Walls Common Properties
        2. A.2.178.2. Walls Properties
        3. A.2.178.3. Walls Methods
        4. A.2.178.4. Walls Object Example
      179. A.2.179. Watch Object and the Watches Collection Object
        1. A.2.179.1. Watches Collection Methods
        2. A.2.179.2. Watch Common Properties
        3. A.2.179.3. Watch Properties
        4. A.2.179.4. Watch Methods
        5. A.2.179.5. Watch Object Example
      180. A.2.180. WebOptions Object
        1. A.2.180.1. WebOptions Common Properties
        2. A.2.180.2. WebOptions Properties
        3. A.2.180.3. WebOptions Methods
        4. A.2.180.4. WebOptions Object Example
      181. A.2.181. Window Object and the Windows Collection
        1. A.2.181.1. Windows Collection Properties and Methods
        2. A.2.181.2. Window Common Properties
        3. A.2.181.3. Window Properties
        4. A.2.181.4. Window Methods
        5. A.2.181.5. Window Object and the Windows Collection Example
      182. A.2.182. Workbook Object and the Workbooks Collection
        1. A.2.182.1. Workbooks Properties
        2. A.2.182.2. Workbooks Methods
        3. A.2.182.3. Workbook Common Properties
        4. A.2.182.4. Workbook Properties
        5. A.2.182.5. Workbook Methods
        6. A.2.182.6. Workbook Events
      183. A.2.183. WorkbookConnection Object
      184. A.2.184. Worksheet Object and the Worksheets Collection
        1. A.2.184.1. Worksheets Collection Properties and Methods
        2. A.2.184.2. Worksheet Common Properties
        3. A.2.184.3. Worksheet Properties
        4. A.2.184.4. Worksheet Methods
        5. A.2.184.5. Worksheet Events
      185. A.2.185. WorksheetFunction Object
        1. A.2.185.1. WorksheetFunction Common Properties
        2. A.2.185.2. WorksheetFunction Methods
        3. A.2.185.3. WorksheetFunction Object Example
      186. A.2.186. WorksheetView Object
        1. A.2.186.1. WorksheetView Properties
      187. A.2.187. XmlDataBinding Object
        1. A.2.187.1. XmlDataBinding Methods
      188. A.2.188. XmlMap Object and the XMLMaps Collection
        1. A.2.188.1. XMLMap Common Properties
        2. A.2.188.2. XmlMap Properties
        3. A.2.188.3. XmlMap Methods
      189. A.2.189. XmlNameSpace Object and the XMLNameSpacesCollection
        1. A.2.189.1. XMLNameSpace Common Properties
        2. A.2.189.2. XMLNameSpace Properties
      190. A.2.190. XmlSchema Object and the XmlSchemas Collection
        1. A.2.190.1. XMLSchema Common Properties
        2. A.2.190.2. XMLSchema Properties
      191. A.2.191. XPath Object
        1. A.2.191.1. XPath Common Properties
        2. A.2.191.2. XPath Properties
        3. A.2.191.3. XPath Methods
  34. B. VBE Object Model
    1. B.1. Links between the Excel and VBE Object Models
      1. B.1.1.
        1. B.1.1.1. Excel to VBE
        2. B.1.1.2. VBE to Excel
    2. B.2. Common Properties and Methods
    3. B.3. AddIn Object and Add-Ins Collection
      1. B.3.1.
        1. B.3.1.1. Add-In Properties
      2. B.3.2. Add-Ins Collection Methods
    4. B.4. CodeModule Object
      1. B.4.1.
        1. B.4.1.1. CodeModule Properties
      2. B.4.2. CodeModule Methods
    5. B.5. CodePane Object and CodePanes Collection
      1. B.5.1.
        1. B.5.1.1. CodePane Properties
      2. B.5.2. CodePane Methods
        1. B.5.2.1. CodePanes Collection Properties
    6. B.6. CommandBarEvents Object
      1. B.6.1.
        1. B.6.1.1. CommandBarEvents Events
    7. B.7. Events Object
      1. B.7.1.
        1. B.7.1.1. Events Properties
    8. B.8. LinkedWindows Collection
      1. B.8.1.
        1. B.8.1.1. LinkedWindows Collection Methods
    9. B.9. Property Object and Properties Collection
      1. B.9.1.
        1. B.9.1.1. Property Properties
    10. B.10. Reference Object and References Collection
      1. B.10.1.
        1. B.10.1.1. Reference Properties
        2. B.10.1.2. References Collection Methods
        3. B.10.1.3. References Collection Events
    11. B.11. End FunctionReferencesEvents Object
      1. B.11.1.
        1. B.11.1.1. ReferencesEvents Events
    12. B.12. VBComponent Object and VBComponents Collection
      1. B.12.1.
        1. B.12.1.1. VBComponent Properties
        2. B.12.1.2. VBComponent Methods
        3. B.12.1.3. VBComponents Collection Methods
    13. B.13. VBE Object
      1. B.13.1.
        1. B.13.1.1. VBE Properties
    14. B.14. VBProject Object and VBProjects Collection
      1. B.14.1. VBProject Common Properties
        1. B.14.1.1. VBProject Properties
        2. B.14.1.2. VBProject Methods
        3. B.14.1.3. VBProjects Collection Methods
    15. B.15. Window Object and Windows Collection
      1. B.15.1. Window Common Properties
        1. B.15.1.1. Window Properties
        2. B.15.1.2. Window Methods
        3. B.15.1.3. Windows Collection Methods
  35. C. Office 2007 Object Model
    1. C.1. Common Properties with Collections and Associated Objects
      1. C.1.1. Common Collection Properties
      2. C.1.2. Common Object Properties
    2. C.2. Office Objects and Their Properties and Events
      1. C.2.1. BulletFormat2 Object
        1. C.2.1.1. BulletFormat2 Properties
        2. C.2.1.2. BulletFormat2 Methods
      2. C.2.2. COMAddinObject and the COMAddins Collection Object
        1. C.2.2.1. COMAddins Collection Properties
        2. C.2.2.2. COMAddins Collection Methods
        3. C.2.2.3. COMAddinProperties
        4. C.2.2.4. COMAddin Object Example
      3. C.2.3. CommandBar Object and the CommandBars Collection Object
        1. C.2.3.1. CommandBars Collection Properties
        2. C.2.3.2. CommandBars Collection Methods
        3. C.2.3.3. CommandBars Collection Events
        4. C.2.3.4. CommandBar Properties
        5. C.2.3.5. CommandBar Methods
      4. C.2.4. CommandBarButton Object
        1. C.2.4.1. CommandBarButton Properties
        2. C.2.4.2. CommandBarButton Methods
        3. C.2.4.3. CommandBarButton Events
      5. C.2.5. CommandBarComboBox Object
        1. C.2.5.1. CommandBarComboBox Properties
        2. C.2.5.2. CommandBarComboBox Methods
        3. C.2.5.3. CommandBarComboBox Events
      6. C.2.6. CommandBarControl Object and the CommandBarControls Collection Object
        1. C.2.6.1. CommandBarControls Collection Properties
        2. C.2.6.2. CommandBarControls Collection Methods
        3. C.2.6.3. CommandBarControl Properties
        4. C.2.6.4. CommandBarControl Methods
      7. C.2.7. CommandBarPopup Object
        1. C.2.7.1. CommandBarPopup Properties
        2. C.2.7.2. CommandBarPopup Methods
      8. C.2.8. CustomTaskPane Object
        1. C.2.8.1. CustomTaskPane Properties
        2. C.2.8.2. CustomTaskPane Methods
        3. C.2.8.3. CustomTaskPane Events
      9. C.2.9. CustomXMLNode Object and the CustomXMLNodes Collection Object
        1. C.2.9.1. CustomXMLNodes Collection Properties
        2. C.2.9.2. CustomXMLNode Properties
        3. C.2.9.3. CustomXMLNode Methods
          1. C. CustomXMLNode, CustomXMLNodes, and CustomXMLPart Example
      10. C.2.10. CustomXMLPart Object and the CustomXMLParts Collection Object
        1. C.2.10.1. CustomXMLParts Collection Properties
        2. C.2.10.2. CustomXMLParts Collection Methods
        3. C.2.10.3. CustomXMLParts Collection Events
        4. C.2.10.4. CustomXMLPart Properties
        5. C.2.10.5. CustomXMLPart Methods
        6. C.2.10.6. CustomXMLPart Events
      11. C.2.11. CustomXMLPrefixMapping Object and the CustomXMLPrefixMappings Collection Object
        1. C.2.11.1. CustomXMLPrefixMappings Collection Properties
        2. C.2.11.2. CustomXMLPrefixMappings Collection Methods
        3. C.2.11.3. CustomXMLPrefixMapping Properties
      12. C.2.12. CustomXMLSchema Object and the CustomXMLSchemaCollection Object
        1. C.2.12.1. CustomXMLSchemaCollection Properties
        2. C.2.12.2. CustomXMLSchemaCollection Methods
        3. C.2.12.3. CustomXMLSchema Properties
        4. C.2.12.4. CustomXMLSchema Methods
      13. C.2.13. CustomXMLValidationError Object and the CustomXMLValidationErrors CollectionObject
        1. C.2.13.1. CustomXMLValidationErrors Collection Properties
        2. C.2.13.2. CustomXMLValidationErrors Collection Methods
        3. C.2.13.3. CustomXMLValidationError Properties
        4. C.2.13.4. CustomXMLValidationError Methods
      14. C.2.14. DocumentInspector Object and the DocumentInspectors CollectionObject
        1. C.2.14.1. DocumentInspectors Collection Properties
        2. C.2.14.2. DocumentInspector Properties
        3. C.2.14.3. DocumentInspector Methods
        4. C.2.14.4. DocumentInspector Object Example
      15. C.2.15. DocumentLibraryVersion Object and the DocumentLibraryVersions Collection Object
        1. C.2.15.1. DocumentLibraryVersions Collection Properties
        2. C.2.15.2. DocumentLibraryVersion Properties
        3. C.2.15.3. DocumentLibraryVersion Methods
      16. C.2.16. DocumentProperty Object and the DocumentProperties Collection Object
        1. C.2.16.1. DocumentProperties Collection Properties
        2. C.2.16.2. DocumentProperties Collection Methods
        3. C.2.16.3. DocumentProperty Properties
        4. C.2.16.4. DocumentProperty Methods
      17. C.2.17. EncryptionProvider Object
        1. C.2.17.1. EncryptionProvider Methods
      18. C.2.18. FileDialog Object
        1. C.2.18.1. FileDialog Properties
        2. C.2.18.2. FileDialog Methods
      19. C.2.19. FileDialogFilter Object and the FileDialogFilters Collection Object
        1. C.2.19.1. FileDialogFilters Properties
        2. C.2.19.2. FileDialogFilters Collection Methods
        3. C.2.19.3. FileDialogFilter Properties
      20. C.2.20. FileDialogSelectedItems Collection Object
        1. C.2.20.1. FileDialogSelectedItems Collection Properties
        2. C.2.20.2. FileDialogSelectedItems Collection Methods
      21. C.2.21. FileTypes Object
        1. C.2.21.1. FileTypes Collection Properties
        2. C.2.21.2. FileTypes Collection Methods
      22. C.2.22. Font2 Object
        1. C.2.22.1. Font2 Properties
      23. C.2.23. GlowFormat Object
        1. C.2.23.1. GlowFormat Properties
      24. C.2.24. GradientStop Object and the GradientStops Collection Object
        1. C.2.24.1. GradientStops Collection Properties
        2. C.2.24.2. GradientStops Collection Methods
        3. C.2.24.3. GradientStop Properties
      25. C.2.25. IAssistance Object
        1. C.2.25.1. IAssistance Methods
      26. C.2.26. IBlogExtensiblity and IBlogPictureExtensibility Objects
        1. C.2.26.1. IBlogExtensibility Methods
        2. C.2.26.2. IBlogPictureExtensibility Methods
      27. C.2.27. ICTPFactory Object
        1. C.2.27.1. ICTPFactory Methods
      28. C.2.28. ICustomTaskPaneConsumer Object
        1. C.2.28.1. ICustomTaskPaneConsumer Methods
      29. C.2.29. IDocumentInspector Object
        1. C.2.29.1. IDocumentInspector Methods
      30. C.2.30. IRibbonControl Object
        1. C.2.30.1. IRibbonControl Properties
      31. C.2.31. IRibbonExtensiblity Object
        1. C.2.31.1. IRibbonExtensibility Methods
      32. C.2.32. IRibbonUI Object
        1. C.2.32.1. IRibbonUI Methods
      33. C.2.33. LanguageSettings Object
        1. C.2.33.1. LanguageSettings Properties
      34. C.2.34. MetaProperty Object and the MetaProperties Collection Object
        1. C.2.34.1. MetaProperties Collection Properties
        2. C.2.34.2. MetaProperties Collection Methods
        3. C.2.34.3. MetaProperty Properties
        4. C.2.34.4. MetaProperty Methods
      35. C.2.35. MsoEnvelope Object
        1. C.2.35.1. MsoEnvelope Properties
        2. C.2.35.2. MsoEnvelope Events
      36. C.2.36. NewFile Object
        1. C.2.36.1. NewFile Properties
        2. C.2.36.2. NewFile Methods
      37. C.2.37. The ODSOColumn Object and the ODSOColumns Collection Object
      38. C.2.38. The ODSOFilter Object and the ODSOFilters Collection Object
      39. C.2.39. OfficeDataSourceObject Object
      40. C.2.40. OfficeTheme Object
        1. C.2.40.1. OfficeTheme Properties
      41. C.2.41. ParagraphFormat2 Object
        1. C.2.41.1. ParagraphFormat2 Properties
      42. C.2.42. Permission Object
        1. C.2.42.1. Permission Properties
        2. C.2.42.2. Permission Methods
      43. C.2.43. PolicyItem Object and the ServerPolicy Collection Object
        1. C.2.43.1. ServerPolicy Properties
        2. C.2.43.2. PolicyItem Properties
      44. C.2.44. ReflectionFormat Object
        1. C.2.44.1. ReflectionFormat Properties
      45. C.2.45. Ruler2 Object
        1. C.2.45.1. Ruler2 Properties
      46. C.2.46. RulerLevel2 Object and the RulerLevels2 Collection Object
        1. C.2.46.1. RulerLevels2 Collection Properties
        2. C.2.46.2. RulerLevels2 Collection Methods
        3. C.2.46.3. RulerLevel2 Properties
      47. C.2.47. ScopeFolder Object and the ScopeFolders Collection Object
        1. C.2.47.1. ScopeFolders Collection Properties
        2. C.2.47.2. ScopeFolder Properties
        3. C.2.47.3. ScopeFolder Methods
      48. C.2.48. SearchFolders Collection Object
        1. C.2.48.1. SearchFolders Collection Common Properties
        2. C.2.48.2. SearchFolders Collection Properties
        3. C.2.48.3. SearchFolders Collection Methods
      49. C.2.49. SearchScope Object and the SearchScopes Collection Object
        1. C.2.49.1. SearchScopes Collection Properties
        2. C.2.49.2. SearchScope Properties
      50. C.2.50. SharedWorkspace Object
        1. C.2.50.1. SharedWorkspace Properties
        2. C.2.50.2. SharedWorkspace Methods
      51. C.2.51. SharedWorkspaceFile Object and the SharedWorkspaceFiles Collection Object
        1. C.2.51.1. SharedWorkspaceFiles Collection Properties
        2. C.2.51.2. SharedWorkspaceFiles Collection Methods
        3. C.2.51.3. SharedWorkspaceFile Properties
        4. C.2.51.4. SharedWorkspaceFile Methods
      52. C.2.52. SharedWorkspaceFolder Object and the SharedWorkspaceFolders Collection Object
        1. C.2.52.1. SharedWorkspaceFolders Collection Properties
        2. C.2.52.2. SharedWorkspaceFolders Collection Methods
        3. C.2.52.3. SharedWorkspaceFolder Properties
        4. C.2.52.4. SharedWorkspaceFolder Methods
      53. C.2.53. SharedWorkspaceLink Object and the SharedWorkspaceLinks Collection Object
        1. C.2.53.1. SharedWorkspaceLinks Collection Properties
        2. C.2.53.2. SharedWorkspaceLinks Collection Methods
        3. C.2.53.3. SharedWorkspaceLink Properties
        4. C.2.53.4. SharedWorkspaceLink Methods
      54. C.2.54. SharedWorkspaceMember Object and the SharedWorkspaceMembers Collection Object
        1. C.2.54.1. SharedWorkspaceMembers Collection Properties
        2. C.2.54.2. SharedWorkspaceMembers Collection Methods
        3. C.2.54.3. SharedWorkspaceMember Properties
        4. C.2.54.4. SharedWorkspaceMember Methods
      55. C.2.55. SharedWorkspaceTask Object and the SharedWorkspaceTasks Collection Object
        1. C.2.55.1. SharedWorkspaceTasks Collection Properties
        2. C.2.55.2. SharedWorkspaceTasks Collection Methods
        3. C.2.55.3. SharedWorkspaceTask Properties
        4. C.2.55.4. SharedWorkspaceTask Methods
      56. C.2.56. Signature Object and the SignatureSet Collection Object
        1. C.2.56.1. SignatureSet Collection Properties
        2. C.2.56.2. SignatureSet Collection Methods
        3. C.2.56.3. Signature Properties
        4. C.2.56.4. Signature Methods
      57. C.2.57. SignatureInfo Object
        1. C.2.57.1. SignatureInfo Properties
        2. C.2.57.2. SignatureInfo Methods
      58. C.2.58. SignatureProvider Object
        1. C.2.58.1. SignatureProvider Methods
      59. C.2.59. SignatureSetup Object
        1. C.2.59.1. SignatureSetup Properties
      60. C.2.60. SmartDocument
        1. C.2.60.1. SmartDocument Properties
        2. C.2.60.2. SmartDocument Methods
      61. C.2.61. SoftEdgeFormat Object
        1. C.2.61.1. ReflectionFormat Properties
      62. C.2.62. Sync Object
        1. C.2.62.1. Sync Properties
        2. C.2.62.2. Sync Methods
      63. C.2.63. TabStop2 Object and the TabStops2 Collection Object
        1. C.2.63.1. TabStops2 Collection Properties
        2. C.2.63.2. TabStops2 Collection Methods
        3. C.2.63.3. TabStop2 Properties
        4. C.2.63.4. TabStop2 Methods
      64. C.2.64. TextColumn2 Object and the TextColumns2 Collection Object
        1. C.2.64.1. TextColumn2 Properties
      65. C.2.65. TextRange2 Object
        1. C.2.65.1. TextRange2 Properties
        2. C.2.65.2. TextRange2 Methods
      66. C.2.66. ThemeColor Object
        1. C.2.66.1. ThemeColor Properties
      67. C.2.67. ThemeColorsScheme Object
        1. C.2.67.1. ThemeColorsScheme Properties
        2. C.2.67.2. ThemeColorsScheme Methods
      68. C.2.68. ThemeEffectScheme Object
        1. C.2.68.1. ThemeEffectScheme Properties
        2. C.2.68.2. ThemeEffectScheme Methods
      69. C.2.69. ThemeFont Object and the ThemeFonts Collection Object
        1. C.2.69.1. ThemeFonts Collection Properties
        2. C.2.69.2. ThemeFonts Collection Methods
        3. C.2.69.3. ThemeFont Properties
      70. C.2.70. ThemeFontScheme Object
        1. C.2.70.1. ThemeFontScheme Properties
        2. C.2.70.2. ThemeFontScheme Methods
      71. C.2.71. UserPermission
        1. C.2.71.1. UserPermission Properties
        2. C.2.71.2. UserPermission Methods
      72. C.2.72. WebPageFont Object and the WebPageFonts Collection Object
        1. C.2.72.1. WebPageFonts Collection Properties
        2. C.2.72.2. WebPageFont Properties
      73. C.2.73. WorkflowTask Object and the WorkflowTasks Collection Object
        1. C.2.73.1. WorkflowTasks Collection Properties
        2. C.2.73.2. WorkflowTask Properties
        3. C.2.73.3. WorkflowTask Methods
      74. C.2.74. WorkflowTemplate Object and the WorkflowTemplates Collection Object
        1. C.2.74.1. WorkflowTemplates Collection Properties
        2. C.2.74.2. WorkflowTemplate Properties
        3. C.2.74.3. WorkflowTemplate Methods

Product information

  • Title: Excel® 2007 VBA Programmer's Reference
  • Author(s):
  • Release date: March 2007
  • Publisher(s): Wrox
  • ISBN: 9780470046432