
Paul Kimmel

I would like to acknowledge my good friend and editor Sharon Cox, Katie Mohr, and Adaobi Obi Tulton at Wiley. Without them (and David Fugate, my agent at Waterside) and the book's original authors I wouldn't have had a chance to work on this project. It has been a pleasure working with the professionals at Wiley.

While working on this project I had the good fortune of working on a C# project at Pitney Bowes with some intelligent folks. Edward Ronga is a great manager; he can work wonders with engineers that can sometimes be a bit fussy. It was my pleasure to work at Pitney with Leonard Bertelli, Jay Fusco, Enzo Maini, Peter Gomis, Kip Stroble, Carl Dalzell, Debra Alberti, Sanjay Gulati, and my cellmate Charles Haley (I played Norah Jones for four months and Charles never complained.) As always I make every effort to leave things better than I found them but always seem to be the beneficiary of these new, great relationships.

Happy New Year to new and old friends and family. Eric Cotter has a sharp mind and more enthusiasm than anyone I know, and Robert Golieb is steadfast and someone I am lucky to call friend. Greetings to my hosts at Porky's in Shelton, Connecticut for the most excellent chicken wings and adult beverages.

My greatest blessing is my family. My wife Lori is a rock and my greatest cheerleader, and I am blessed to have four healthy and beautiful children (Trevor, Douglas, Alex, and Noah). My greatest wish is that everyone can know the blessings ...

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