


Use ISEVEN (an Analysis ToolPak function) to look at the specified reference and return a value of TRUE if the number is even, or a value of FALSE if the number is odd. If the value is not numeric, the function returns a #VALUE! error value.

To Calculate



Figure 20-3 illustrates how to use ISEVEN to make sure the value contained in a cell is an even number. You will notice in this example that ISEVEN and ISODD return #VALUE! errors for the cells that do not contain numeric values. Both of those functions expect a numeric value to be passed to them, otherwise an error is returned. The example also shows how to use ISLOGICAL, ISNONTEXT, ISNUMBER, ISTEXT, and ISREF to check cells for the corresponding values.

Excel provides a series of IS functions that can be used to check a cell to make sure it contains the desired data type

Figure 20-3. Excel provides a series of IS functions that can be used to check a cell to make sure it contains the desired data type

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